My Experience | Teen Ink

My Experience

October 29, 2021
By alonsosopelna BRONZE, Houghton, New York
alonsosopelna BRONZE, Houghton, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life many times is not fair, that is a fact but it is in your power to try to improve and do things well even if it means doing things that you do not like.

In this life things feel and taste much better when you earn them yourself, because if they give them to you you can only appreciate them but you do not value them, well it is true that whatever you do, do it well because if it is not a waste of time investing all work and effort in something badly done.

All these things I have been learning throughout my life since I admit that if I had done all these things, everything would have gone better for me, but honestly things have not gone too bad for me because I have realized my mistakes and how Well, I always say, it is better to make big mistakes in youth since they will mark you in life because it is a stage of development and learning in which we learn a lot from our mistakes.

I call all that maturing and this is essential to be a full-fledged person in life, it is true that we are going to continue making mistakes because no one is perfect in life the thing is not to repeat the same mistake more than one time.

Another thing that I think is essential for the development of a person is empathy and putting yourself in the shoes of the other person if you see that things are going great for you in general and you see someone well, maybe they have difficulties. for example in studies because you try to help her most of the time you will only get a thank you very much from that person and nothing else but from my point of view and experience you will make her very happy if you manage to help her, as far as I am concerned it is better that we all do well than just a few.

To conclude with this part, I have to add that it is true that throughout my life there have been many people who have helped me, good people who even not knowing me helped me, and with this I want to add one thing. Throughout life there will be many people who have to help you and do not help you and there will be many other people who do not have to help you and help you.If you wonder why I say this, it is because there is a lot of friend who moves around interest or as I say a lot of friend in disguise.

When we detect a false friend, the best thing you can do is cut that relationship out of the way immediately since it will only betray you. Luckily or unfortunately life is like that, it is not always fair, I would say that on very few occasions it is fair, but that is what life is about not being fair for yourself to learn and be stronger every day that passes throughout your life. .

Another thing that also for me is a problem every day is the typical academic system of doing many exams, putting many homework but not doing many projects, for me this is a problem for the mere fact that we do not learn anything in this way, with With this system, the only thing that is achieved is to go to class to be seated and to be told the theory after memorizing everything at home and putting it on the exam the next day.

This year I am trying another educational system in the United States which is much better than the European one because here homework and projects are given great importance, which are activities with which you do learn since most of them are fun and easy to do apart from the fact that most of the grade for the subject is assessed with work and projects, it is true that the exams are given importance but for me it is an advance that they are placed almost at the same height.

To conclude with this section I want to say that the American academic system apart from being easier and more didactic is more entertaining because, as I have said before, most of the final mark therefore encourages you to do things well.

The author's comments:

This piece is about my personal life. I explain all may errors and all my good things that I do in my life.

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