Guess i didn't need this job | Teen Ink

Guess i didn't need this job

October 9, 2021
By Anonymous

“Wake up, we're waiting for you, we need for you to hurry up and get here. Memo said we are going to open the other food truck!”

“I'm not going, you told me they wouldn't be needing me today.”

“Yes you are, he just told us to tell you to just get dressed and come to the food truck.”

“I don't even have the car with me. How am I supposed to get there?”

“Tell Vivi to give you a ride” said my mom in an annoyed tone

 How can she go from telling me that they don't need me that day to telling me that they do and I need to hurry and get to work because they’re about to leave. This summer I worked in a food truck with my mom and some family friends. My job however was not appreciated and I was a sub more than anything. If someone else got injured or had issues and they couldn’t come to work they would only open one of the two food trucks and tell me to stay home which most of the time I didn’t mind except when I really needed the money and I wasn't working enough.

That morning at about 6:30am I received a call from my mom saying I wasn't going to work that day. Not even 30 minutes later she called me saying that I needed to go in because they decided to open the other food truck after all. I took my time getting ready and in my head I was thinking “what if I just quit? They don't even pay me enough.”

 “I really don't want to go to work today” i said

“You have to. Just get dressed and i’ll take you” said Vivi

I got in the car and I was really mad but my girlfriend was trying to calm me down.

“Should I just quit?” I thought to myself. We arrived there around 8:00am. I went inside the food truck. I said good morning to everyone as I usually do, and without thinking about what I was going to say I opened my mouth.

“I just don’t think it's fair that I have to come to work even though you guys had already told me I wasn’t going to work today. What if I already had plans for today I had to cancel them because you call me in after telling me I wasn’t going to work for the 5th time in the past two weeks”

“Well this is something you have to tell memo not me, he's the boss” said pepe in a giggly tone. This made me even more mad because I knew that she was actually mad because of the way I was talking to her and instead of talking to me the way she usually would she decided to talk to me in a fake “nice” way. My mom kept on looking at me and telling me to be quiet until she finally told me to get down and go have a word with her. Oh great now I’m about to get in trouble with her too. We got down and walked a little bit so they wouldn’t hear us.

“What's your problem? ” my mom asked me in an angry tone

“I just dont think it's fair that I have to be here when you guys had already told me I wasn’t going to work. They always do this to me and this affects how much money i get paid ”

“I understand that but it is still no excuse for you to come in here with an attitude talking to everyone like that. Change your active and your face and go back inside. ”

“I don’t think I can do that I’m really mad right now”

“If you don't want to be here right now you are more than welcomed to go”

When I heard these words I immediately began to take off my apron and when she saw me doing this she told me to get back inside the food truck. She walked in front of me and when she was about to go in she suddenly stopped for a second then turned around.

“Do you want to leave?” she asked me again

Without saying a word I took off my apron and began to walk. Based on the look on her face I could tell that she wasn’t expecting me to do it.

“Where are you going”

“I'm going home” i said with a smile on my face

“I really don't want to be here, I'll just ask Vivi to come pick me up. She forgot her phone at home so in the meanwhile i’ll just walk”

My mom looked mad but there was nothing she could do. What I learned from this is that it is really hard to separate work from family and friendship. Some people don't understand that the two of them shouldn’t mix.

The author's comments:

this article is a personal storie about my favorite mistake.

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