My First Performance | Teen Ink

My First Performance

June 13, 2021
By mariacummings13 BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
mariacummings13 BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Standing behind the stage, my stomach twisted into different-sized knots. The butterflies inside my stomach were having a dance party. I’ve never been in a play before. I was prepared but unprepared at the same time. My mind wandered with millions of worries. 

Am I going to forget my dance? When do I start singing? Oh, god I hope I don’t trip! 

The stage lights flashed off, signaling the next scene. My stomach twisted again. My castmates whispered near me as we all prepared for the scene. Suddenly, the people in front of me started skipping onto the stage. I began skipping, following their lead. 

As I stepped onto the wooden stage, I saw the crowd. Every seat was full of parents, students, and teachers. My eyes wandered, searching for anyone familiar. I was so shocked by how many people were there. I continued moving on stage to my spot. The stage light sparkled on, glaring right into my eyes. Once in our positions, the music began playing. 

“Left, right. Jump! Clap. Repeat. Repeat. Pivot. Again. Sing!” I repeated in my head. I was so worried I would mess up a move or sing the wrong line. I began singing again. I was starting to get more comfortable on stage. I continued dancing, adding more energy into each move. My castmates and I linked arms as we skipped around the stage singing. We wore our matching party hats, with white pom poms on the top. 

We got into our final spots at the end of the scene. We all smiled and posed, as the music ended and the lights flashed off.  The audience’s applaud echoed throughout the auditorium as my castmates and I walked off the stage. I felt relieved. I was so proud of myself. I pushed through my fears and was able to use that energy in the best way possible. I couldn’t wait for the next performance. 

The author's comments:

This piece was written about my sixth-grade show. We performed Alice in Wonderland. I was very nervous and this piece shows my emotions throughout the play.

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