Presentation | Teen Ink


April 1, 2021
By Anonymous

“Today we’re starting a new project.” said Mrs. Bajema, my 8th grade ELA teacher, “Everyones going to be assigned a president and you’re going to make a slideshow to present to the class.”

 I wasn’t happy. The thing I hate most, presenting to the class. Everyone is staring at you, listening to every word you say whether they care or not.  We were also going to have to use a microphone to make it worse. This project was going to be a nightmare.

The next day we found out what president we were assigned, I got the 42nd president, Bill Clinton whose real name I know is William Jefferson Clinton thanks to this project. For the next week and a half we continued to work on our slideshows and I hated it. I was constantly dreading the day I had to presentate. I talked to my one other friend in the class and he didn’t seem to be worried at all.

“How are you not nervous? We have to use the microphone and everyone will be staring at you”

“Most people probably won't even pay attention and the people that do wont remember what you said in 5 minutes anyways”

“I guess, but I don’t know i'm still nervous”

Soon came the day people started presenting. I was lucky enough to not be one of the first few going so I just sat back and listened. I tried to see if what my friend had told me was right and tried remembering what some people had said in their presentation and for the most part I couldn’t really remember. About 7 people presented a day and we got through everyone in 4 days. I was lucky enough to present on the 4th day. My friend had gone the third day and did well so I atleast had a little hope. I got up to the podium that was brought in and began to talk into the microphone. Hearing my own voice with a little delay almost messed me up, but it didn't and I continued. Everyone was listening, but to my pleasant surprise most people weren’t looking directly at me which gave me some confidence. I finished my presentation and only messed up on some minor things like saying a line or two. I felt really confident that I had done good and all my nervousness from before was gone. After the last presentations finished I spoke to my friend. 

“How’d I do?” 

“See, I told you that you would do good”

“I guess you're right. It wasn’t that bad after all.”

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