Appreciate the Beauty Within | Teen Ink

Appreciate the Beauty Within

March 22, 2021
By 1babich BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
1babich BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Originally a cliff on the Rhine River, the longest river in Germany.  Now poetically adapted through personification representing a beautiful creature singing on that same cliff, the deceitful enchantment of a Lorelei leads men to devastation.  

Now I would not say that I am deceitful or manipulative in any way, instead mesmerizing all who meet me by the beauty of my soul.  I used to really hate my name because no one knew how to pronounce it or spell it, not even my cousins.  But my mother always reassured me saying, “You might hate it now, but someday, you will find someone fascinated by you, and only you.”  I didn’t really understand what she was trying to say, but as I grew, I finally started to realize the meaning behind her words.  

Over the years, I have had heartbreak after heartbreak, I could not comprehend what was going wrong.  Instead of worrying about being single, I started to aimlessly scroll through social media, seeing all the cute couples going on charming dates.  Considering it was also around Valentine’s Day, I was feeling a little sad not having a significant other to cherish this day with.  Instead of loathing in self-pity, I got myself out of bed, got dressed, did my makeup, and finally decided to appreciate myself.  

It started with my name, finally rationalizing that there is no need to change this beautiful name because it represents a beautiful person.  Self-appreciation first came from my name, and all good thoughts came after that.  My confidence, better friends, and more connections.  I was more in touch with myself, being able to appreciate my name that gives off a favorable first impression, knowing that I am one in 100,000.  

Although the story surrounding my name may scare some people, in actuality, the Germans just wanted a representation of an enchantress, through a whimsical, captivating appeal.  Sometimes mysterious, but charming with a radiant glow, I have never really appreciated how much my energy radiates to other people.  I can be comedic or professional, always bringing a vivacious spirit with me no matter where I go.  Instead of looking for approval by anyone, especially a man, I have learned to appreciate the beauty within, that was gifted to me by my parents through my sui generis name. 

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