Attendance Calling | Teen Ink

Attendance Calling

March 19, 2021
By NGABIRANO1 BRONZE, New Albany, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Lucy Smith” 


“Jasper Huges”

“Here, Mr. G.”

In the youthful audience, one individual stood out from the rest due to her crunched posture in the back of the classroom. Her feet trembled at a rhythm as if they had acquired a mind of their own. The young pupil chewed nervously on her nails, damaging her already deteriorating acrylic nails. Head on the table, her voluminous curls covered her anguish and the severe sweating she was experiencing. A lot seemed to trouble her mind.

“James Williams” 


“Tobi Brown”

“Over here, Mr. G.”

In order to avoid her uncommon fear, she had previously thought of ways to avoid getting her exotic name called out during attendance. She attempted to purposely showing up late to class, but the following only drew more attention. Which she despised even more due to the judgemental eye glares she received. “Why did my parents give such an ugly name” 

“Your name is not common, because you are not ordinary, Aquata. In our native language, Acheampong was a mythical character known for her fearlessness and courage. Respect it and make others do likewise, Aquata” Her Gahanian mother reminded her when she whined about the consistent teasing she experienced.

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