This Seems Fishy | Teen Ink

This Seems Fishy

March 10, 2021
By kevboatar BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
kevboatar BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A mistake I never wish to make again is ordering baked cod instead of battered. The one time I made that mistake was at Kim’s Pizza on a Friday night. When they brought the food out I soon realised my error. I acted like nothing was wrong to the waitress and said “Everything is all good, thank you”. I slowly started to eat the fish. Every bite was unnecessarily bland, and not even tartar sauce could save it. I got through five bites and gave up. I peered around and saw everyone else enjoying their food. Meanwhile, I continued onto my side of green beans to stall for time. Once everyone finished I now could not wait to get home and make a sandwich. Now whenever I order a fish fry I always make sure it has the breading.

The author's comments:

The battered cod is the one you should order.

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