Car Crash | Teen Ink

Car Crash

March 10, 2021
By JamesD4200 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
JamesD4200 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was particularly peaceful looking out the window, watching the beautiful bright trees pass by.  It was a relaxing, smooth ride as I was on my way back to the campground to eat dinner with my family. Out of nowhere I looked up from my phone to see that my friend has started swerving back and forth from side to side on the road, then time really slowed down like I was watching everything happen through a camera lens. We served about 4 times and I remember seeing us heading for the ditch, we went down, hit a driveway and just flipped. I don't know why but my eyes did not close, until we hit the ground after the front dug in flipping us upside down. Next thing I know I was out of the car in a driveway on some random back road with my friend and the people that owned the house running out to see what happened and if we were okay.

The author's comments:

I wrote about this because if was something in my life that happened and I will never be able to forget about it, we were both lucky to survive that day.

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