My Pet Peeve | Teen Ink

My Pet Peeve

February 26, 2021
By presleyhansen123 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
presleyhansen123 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The bell rings and I quickly pack up my papers, pencil case, and computer. I grab my backpack and say goodbye to my teacher on the way out the door. I walk swiftly down the hall, my feet moving in a perfect rhythm, and then I am forced to abruptly slow down. A lengthy row of friends is chit-chatting, moving at the pace of a snail. My hands clench and my stress levels rise. I try to maneuver around them, but I’m trapped behind. Stuck. Walking deathly slow. 

My concern for being late overpowers me. I cannot bear to walk into a classroom after the bell rings; the students and teacher looking at me disapprovingly. I will sprint down the hallway if need be, just to reach my next class on time.

I suppose this isn’t a bad thing; isn’t it good that I’m punctual? Yes, but walking at a slower pace won’t necessarily make me late for my next class. I have four minutes to walk a short distance, and I usually get to class early anyways.

These students aren’t walking slowly just to spite me. They probably want to spend as much time with each other as possible before they have to go to their next class. They might not have any classes together, and that might be their only time to see each other during the day.

My annoyance is trivial; I bring it to an extreme. I could simply walk at my own slow pace, give my body and brain a rest, chat with a friend nearby. There is no need for this extra stress. It’s time for a relaxing stroll.

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