Pet Peeve | Teen Ink

Pet Peeve

February 26, 2021
By LoganW BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
LoganW BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Based on the past couple of years, it would be safe to say I am not the best driver. And I know that. It’s not like I think I am Tony Kaanan up in here, and because of it, I am sure to drive within the speed limit. That’s because I know ten mph would only save a minute or two. However, I often feel the pressure going over the speed limit because of tailgaters. Tailgaters find the need to get within my car’s personal bubble late at night and flash their bright lights into my sleepy eyes. Is there a point? No. Well yes, to aggravate me and to make me speed up. But do I speed up? No. It's these stupid kids again in their gas-guzzling hunk of metal.

Everyone has had different experiences and it is not okay to pressure someone into doing something that they don’t want to. Tailgating is almost like peer pressure for drinking or taking drugs. But nobody realizes how similar those two are when it's the same concept for both: doing something you wouldn’t have done by yourself. 

Let’s go over the positives and negatives of tailgating. First off: the positives. It can lead to getting to a destination faster. But the problem is, that’s the only positive. And now for the negatives: tailgating makes the front driver become stressed, increasing the chances of a crash, it often does not lead to getting to a destination faster, and increases the chance of getting a ticket. From the looks of it, the negatives outweigh the positives. Finally, new drivers. Many people do not realize that a lot of times, people don’t have many hours behind the wheel under their “belt” and tailgating could be something they weren’t trained on. All I am asking is that you be solicitous of other drivers. 

I am writing this paper in hopes to inform you that tailgating is not worth the risks that it possesses. It is much safer to stay a good distance away from the car ahead. Now the choice is yours, would you rather risk a crash, get a ticket, scare some kids, or just get there a few minutes later?

The author's comments:

I have been writing this over the past couple of days. Thanks for taking the time to read my essay, I know that it can be tiring. 

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