Pet Peeve | Teen Ink

Pet Peeve

February 26, 2021
By 2boray BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2boray BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Slow walking, such an egregious act. Why does someone feel the need to walk in the middle of the sidewalk, hallway, or aisle at the slowest speed possible? 

I’m not one to be late, but one day if I happen to be running a little bit short on time, I like to be able to cruise through the hallways at my own pace, not get stuck in the hallway traffic of those who walk at the same speed as a turtle. Better yet, the groups of three or four who walk slow, where there is no way to pass them. I just do not understand why someone wouldn’t just want to get to class on time instead of roaming the hallways for what feels like forever. 

I understand that they do not do this to specifically bother me, yet I still question Why? Why do they do this? Why can’t they just stride a little quicker? 

Maybe they don’t like the class they are going to or they want to be late. Or, maybe they are injured and that is the only speed they are capable of walking at. Maybe they are tired and don’t have the energy to walk at my pace. 

Still, why can’t they just walk a little bit faster. I wouldn’t say that I find myself sprinting down the hallway, but I do like to be able to strut at a solid pace. Why can’t people do the same? 

Those who loiter in the hallway have bothered me since I was a child. I always remember it bothering me in middle school, up to today. 

It comes from my dad. When we travel and are touring through the city, we walk at a brisk pace which became a habit everywhere I go. Passing those who stop and take pictures and slow down to look at street signs, I have always walked faster than normal. 

In the long run, the pace at which others walk means nothing to me and is simply a trivial act. Perhaps those who dilly-dally could be those who just participated in a marathon over the weekend in order to raise money for cancer research. They could be saving the world, and I am trying to pass them in the halls. Maybe I should be less irritated by those who don’t walk at the same pace as me. 

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