You don't have to be afraid. | Teen Ink

You don't have to be afraid.

February 25, 2021
By pond BRONZE, Saginaw, Texas
pond BRONZE, Saginaw, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" you are fearless, no matter what comes your way"

“everyone hates you” “no one will ever think of you the way the people who pity you do.” “you’re not enough” …These comments, these words, everyone has heard once. When you first hear it you laugh it off and you never think it would happen again. It did. Then, you find yourself in a difficult situation thinking what you did wrong or what you did to make everyone mad. Usually, this happens, when something happened to you and the whole group found out. They make fun of you until you cry every night, or you cry even when you’re with the group. But one thing you need to know, is you do not have to be afraid. It will soon stop, its not going to go on forever. Sure, you could always talk back to them and tell them off, but they wont listen. They won’t listen to your thoughts or your words. They will make fun of you more. If something like this happens, you need to talk to a close friend. Don’t speak with the people who are bulling you. Instead, tell your counselor, something might be going on with the people who are bullying you, whether it be at home or at school. Don’t be afraid, you will be okay, I know, its hard, I know it hurts. It will all be alright.

The author's comments:

This is about bullying. Nothing more. 

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