I Have Questions | Teen Ink

I Have Questions

February 2, 2021
By Anonymous

I have millions of thoughts a day. Thousands of questions, relevant or not. Some days they make perfect sense. Some days my thoughts are total crack heads. But, no matter the day, no matter my feelings, there is always one question. One question that is always there, lingering in the back of my mind. It haunts me, that question. It infiltrates all my walls and kills all my guards just to find me. It never goes away, not truly. It hides in me, behind my fake smiles. Behind my eyes that hold so many tears. Behind my laughs and my jokes and my hugs. It's the reason I don't eat, the reason I spend so much money on clothes. It's the reason for hours on Instagram, the hours flat ironing my hair, the years I spent hating my freckles. It's that damn question, hanging over me like a dark cloud that doesn't have the decency to rain. It's that damn question. 

Am I really good enough?

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enjoy :)

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