MLK What are you doing for others. | Teen Ink

MLK What are you doing for others.

February 1, 2021
By NinjaJayden609 BRONZE, Md, Maryland
NinjaJayden609 BRONZE, Md, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think we can leave 2020 where It belongs in the past my life will go forward no matter the circumstances, we are placed in. I have learned how to persevere through stress and pain. I have learned to be caring and admit to my sins. I have learned to be thankful for what I have, even if all I have is my family and trust in my faith and our Father who sits high and looks low as others have lost theirs. Honestly the things that I miss isn’t important, What is important is working through what I miss because I can make a list that goes on for days on what I miss but I look into what I have rather than what I don’t. I am looking forward to a new fresh start. It feels like I was writing this just yesterday in 2019 on my calendar lets 2020 better than 2019.As we walked into a new decade, we also walked into a path of choices a choice of happiness and enlightening or a choice of pain and sorrow. I choose happiness. We have all had loses some you will never forget others you forget in a week.

The author's comments:

2021 will be better than 2020

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