Zipping Out Of Fear | Teen Ink

Zipping Out Of Fear

January 27, 2021
By WillCahall BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
WillCahall BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Breakfast time boys!” I frantically put on my clothes and rushed down the stairs. 

“Come on, we don't want to be late!” My mom said.

The aroma of Pancakes filled the kitchen, making the room warm. I looked out the window, the sun was out, making a warm and bright morning. The morning dew on the grass glistened in the sun.

“ Today's the day boys, zip lining!” My dad said, sounding very enthusiastic this early in the morning.

Today we went Zip lining. The excitement built up inside of me as breakfast went on. After breakfast, I went outside to help pack the car. I already knew the car ride was going to be miserable with my dad's black leather seats, burning my bare skin. I also made sure to pack my headphones to watch my phone on the way there to keep myself busy while the sun beat down on me. Half way through the ride, the sun grew hot, and the leather on the seats burned my legs even more. I thought about the trip, how my parents went but not me. It was my first time experiencing something like this. I also thought about my fear of heights,  one thing I tried to get rid of multiple times. It has gotten in the way of so many fun activities, like roller coasters at kings island.

We were basically there by now, the sun still blazing hot. We pulled up to a big sign where our instructor waited for us. Before we met with our instructor we lathered up with sunblock, it stung when it mixed with my sweat. 

“Hi y'all!” Said our instructor, very perky.

“So, have y'all done this before?”

My parents nodded but I shook my head. Our instructor went over safety instructions while we harnessed up. I started to get nervous. A never ending roller coaster of excitement and anxiousness built inside of me.

“Alright y'all, time to hit the trails!” Said the instructor with too much enthusiasm.

On our way to the forest I thought to myself, I can't let my fear of heights get in the way of this once and a lifetime moment. My legs started to shake. I felt like jello. I looked down, my heart skipped a beat when the wind howled, blowing  leaves and twigs in the trees. My stomach flipped, and the excitement in me went to total fear. The stairs looked like a never ending staircase as they creaked with the rhythm of the trees.

“Alright folks, this first zip line is intermediate. So don't get too hesitant,” Said the instructor.

My mom stepped up first. I wish I had her confidence. She got hooked up to the metal wire, ready to get pushed off the cliff. She jumped off the stool and zipped across the metal line, the wind blowing on her face. My dad stepped up to the plate, the trees still creaking.My mom and dad had made it, why couldn't I? I got woozy. I elaborated a plan in my head if the zip line failed me, making me even more nervous. Maybe if the zip line fails, I could fall into the river. The trees creaked and blew in the wind. I felt like I was surrounded. My turn had finally come. My time to shine. My hands grew clammy, and I started to sweat. The smell of metal came upon my hands from holding my harness. I was hooked up to the line. I saw the river flowing below my feet, water crashed against the rocks below me. My head swam with thoughts. Why did I come? Can I even do this? Will I die? I shook my head. I couldn't let my thoughts get to me. I heard my family cheering at the other side. I had finally gained up the courage to go.

“Here goes nothing.” I said with fear in my voice.

I jumped and closed my eyes, my legs folding up in unison. All the nervousness went away as soon as I jumped, a big relief on my stomach. I flew across that wire. I looked down to see the river below my feet while still hearing my family's faint cheers. The wind blew against my face. I felt alive and refreshed from the wind. The woods and the river come alive with the cool afternoon breeze, making a whistling toon.

When I reached the end, I realized how far I had come, conquering my fear of heights. I persevered till the end and I finally made it. 

“Good Job!” My family greeted me with a hug, I felt good inside.

I could do anything. I continued to do the rest of the zip lining with confidence. On the way home I patted myself on the back, perseverance got me a long way. We stopped to eat somewhere and went home. The late afternoon sun still burned my legs on my dad's black leather seats. I unloaded the car with my sunburnt skin, the sunblock not mixing well with a cut on my leg.

“That was fun!” I said with a smile on my face. 

We all went inside to the air conditioned house. It never felt so good against my sunburnt skin. The excitement was over but I'm glad I went.


All in all, I had a blast with my family. This trip made me realize that I could accomplish anything, showing today that I conquered my fear of heights. I learned how to persevere and take control over my thoughts and fears. I look back and laugh at this moment. But at the end of the day, my confidence has grown. The next time my fears get in the way I'll remember, this could be the only time I could experience something like this, and I can't let my thoughts get to me.

The author's comments:

Its a personal experience about the time I went zip lining

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