2020 the Year of The Rona | Teen Ink

2020 the Year of The Rona

December 15, 2020
By cael-beam BRONZE, Dunlap, Iowa
cael-beam BRONZE, Dunlap, Iowa
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Let’s go back and start in 2019. Late 2019 to be more specific. I’m sitting for the first hour at school in about December. When my science teacher starts asking me and my classmates if we watched the news. I wasn’t one to watch the news, but a couple of other people said yes. Then he proceeded to tell us about Coronavirus. I had no clue what that was at the time, but he was talking about how it has spread all around China. China had to try and build hospitals that is how bad it was down there. Mr. A, my science teacher, talked about this and he predicted that he thought it would be a global pandemic. I then got to thinking that this is not gonna be a big deal just because China wasn’t doing anything.
School has been quiet about this virus. No one thinks it will make it to America. Are they wrong? Yes very, very wrong. The main source is people going out of the country. Rona hasn’t hit hard, but cases keep increasing and increasing. I don’t think anything of it. It hasn’t even got to Iowa yet. Is that a surprise to me? No not at all, Iowa is an out of the blue kind of state. No one is just gonna come to Iowa unless they have to. There is nothing to do here. Dow City, boring, Dunlap, boring. There is no way the Coronavirus will make it to this boring area. No way I can get this. The odds are against me. All I thought about Rona. I never thought of it as an actual global pandemic. I never thought I would have to quarantine in my life. When was the last time we actually had a global pandemic? That’s why. That’s why I never thought anything of this. The way science is today, we should have had this controlled already. It shouldn’t take almost 9 months to come out with a vaccine. Scientists and doctors also had no clue what the virus actually did. Also, at first the tests were only like 60% correct. So why would I think anything of it. There is no point whatsoever.
March 15, 2020. The worst day of my life. At the time of school getting shut down, I didn’t think it would be that bad. I just sat in my room and played Xbox. I didn’t get to go outside of my house until May. It was a rough time for all of us. Not being able to go and do anything. Every place being closed or limited is to the one and only Rona. Rona was winning, no other words to describe it. It had all of us in the palm of its hand. None of us had an idea how or if we could stop it. There was no hope for anyone one. Not even the president of The United States. What was gonna happen? Is everyone going to have to quarantine for the rest of their lives? It wasn’t making sense. I was 14 about to be 15 years old. I didn’t think I was going to have to try and outlast a global pandemic. I knew I would be safe because the virus was only killing people over the age of close to 70 partially. But I still had to be careful. I was only careful for my loved ones. My mother and grandmother were the ones that were scared of it the most. For me to get the virus would be like me getting the flu. Still, I had to think about the people that were close to me. The ones in my life that really and truly mattered.
May was one and probably my favorite month of quarantine. My mother finally let me go see a number of my friends. I would normally just go to my best friends house and just hang out with him. We even stayed up until four in the morning one time watching a show on Netflix. The show we watched was Outer Banks. Really great show. John B and Sarah Cameron. Sarah Cameron stole my heart over quarantine. She was hot, beautiful, and pretty. I am not even kidding when I say she was all of the above. Great times, great times. Back to May though. Drew and I started playing basketball together. First couple days were rough, and I mean really rough. Not doing any physical activity for a couple months. That really may have been the toughest point in my life. Well, excluding Rona of course. Rona just had to come and ruin a teenage kid's life. What a piece of crap am I right? Well back to the story. So I finally get to go out back in the world and be me again. Just undercover this time. When I started hanging with my friends again, I told my mom it was just a few people. That was until I started branching out and meeting new people. They aren’t very important to the story. They just gave me good ol quarantine memories. I also got the news that baseball is on. I get to do a sport I don’t really care about. Yay Cael. Rona can’t ruin your baseball season, but it can ruin golf.
June, July, August. The summer was one I won’t forget for a while. With all this Covid-19 bull. I am just glorified on how it ruined my life. Anyway let's start this summer strong with baseball. The first week was what I would explain as no bueno. It was hotter than ever outside and we had to run and get back into shape. That was terrible, just terrible. No words to describe it. That is how bad it was. Going to the pool and golfing were the only plus sides to baseball. I could go golfing before baseball and go to the pool after baseball. It was just a kid living the dream. Except there was a twist to this. We may or may not have anything to do with The Rona. The pool was only half capacity, so I was lucky if my friends and I could even get in half the time. It’s not fun trying to go for a dip in the pool when you can’t even get in. At least I could golf, or at least I was half decent enough to try. I could not drive the ball to save my life. Put me in a driving contest with Stevie Wonder and he might actually win. That is how bad I was with the driver. But dang was I like a god with the pitching wedge. I could hit my pitching wedge like 125 yards with ease. It was like taking candy from a baby when people watched me swing that pitching wedge. I’m not even kidding either. Me and the pitching wedge had a bong that was irrsebrible.
July rolls around. I got my first hard working job. I worked at Sullivan Supply. It was a good job for a kid like me. I would always get my work done and I even got to work with my friends. Would even go with my friends to the hot tub after a long hard day of work. It was nice, very nice. Made more money than I knew what to do with. Yeah July was an okay month for me.
The school year finally comes around. Everybody is treating it like it is a normal year. But it really isn’t. Why? Well kids, it is because of this stupid Coronavirus. It didn’t seem to bother anyone in the school. Very few people wore masks. I was actually surprised because the teachers didn’t wear masks either. It was strange. Everyone thought they didn’t work, or I’m not gonna get it. Well, some of us were wrong. There were quite a few of us that were very wrong. Especially me. I did get The Rona. It hit me hard, it finally had won the battle. Got me out of school for a week and a half though. It really wasn’t that fun. I was so bored out of my mind. All I could do is stay in my room and play Xbox or watch TV.

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