My father | Teen Ink

My father

November 18, 2020
By Anonymous

My father Ramiro is a very special person to me, he has worked hard for this family to thrive even though it’s still not perfect. My father is the reason I’m living under a roof, I and my sisters went and still am going to a good and decent school and have food on the table every day and etc. And even though my father’s name doesn’t have any special significance to it, he’s very special to me and a hero. My father is 49 years old and came from Mexico when he was 15 years old from a very small village called San Pedro. My father loved going to school, that’s why when he came to the United States to study, so he could have a better future, he went to college and worked hard. My father had many jobs and didn’t care if he had to wash dishes or do any other hard labor he just wanted to provide for his family from Mexico and his little siblings. My father is a hard worker, caring, and a very respectful man. He loves his family and works so hard so his children can have a better life. He had many injuries and all of them had caused him back problems. And had two surgeries and one of them caused him to stop going to school. He also welcomed his first child who was born after months of recovery from his surgeries. And also welcomed his half daughter who my mother went back to Mexico to bring back. But didn’t care if he wasn’t her father he still treated her as if she were his own daughter and gave her everything she needed and love. And his surgeries never stopped my father from working at any job and doing what he loves which is being a father. My father is my hero and to our family. 

My father is tall, has broad shoulders, is a little muscular, tan, has a round face, big nose, light brown eyes, black to grey hair, has a silver tooth, and has a mustache. He always uses the same outfits that he wears every day, every week, and every year as if it were a cycle that never stops. And every time I and my sisters buy him shoes and clothes he gets mad at us. Not because he doesn’t like it but because he came from a very poor and hard life. And it was hard for him as a little kid to see his family struggle. His parents never had enough money to buy him shoes or clothes. But the one thing his family taught him was that no matter what happens to always be there for your family, protect each other, and love each other. My father originally studied to become a technician and an electrician but that never happened due to his first surgery but still loves studying and fixing computers or any appliances at home. It’s as if it were a hobby to him. My dad is the third oldest child yet he still looked older than his two older brothers. But his small wrinkles and grey hair defines how hard he worked and how hard life was for him.

My father was always the guy who spoke his mind and didn’t care what people said about him. He always believed you should have an opinion about something, stand up for yourself, and be independent but of course not to push your family away but to know how to survive on your own. My father is always happy and funny but not perfect. My father has a strong and loud voice and if you got him mad he sometimes had a very stern voice and only if you got him mad. My father was also very big and strong to me when I was little but that never intimidated me and I don’t know why maybe because I’m just used to it. But it sometimes intimated my cousins but once you got to know him you’ll find out he’s a lovable person.

My father smells like his favorite aftershave cologne, “Apres Rasage”. He always wears it and hasn’t changed the clone since I can remember. It’s his favorite. My father always smells like shampoo, head and shoulders which has a very strong smell like something spicy or peppermint. And he would always shower every morning, so that very strong smell is very hard to forget. My father smelled like peppermint every day along with his favorite cologne.  

My father lives with his family; me, my mother, my sister, and her family, and his brother, my uncle. Our house is a medium/average home, not too big but not too small. We also have a bigger property than most or all of the neighbors that live around us. We also have a deck, our own garden, greenhouse, chickens, playground, and pool. My father chose this house because he didn’t want to be far away from his family. He left his parents and siblings at a very young age so it’s hard to separate away from his siblings after years of not seeing each other or not seeing each other at all, he never got to meet his younger brother and just met him 6 years ago. He also loves being surrounded by nature and where we live, our house is surrounded by many trees and also many places that you could visit and activities you can do like, going hiking and camping. And he also wanted his daughters to go to the best school he could find in a very nice neighborhood. It feels like home. My father loves nature and cares about his family and the people around him and those who have cared for him.

My father tries not to show too much emotion, he tries to be the strongest man in the house even though he is the one who is scared of little small creatures like; insects, spiders etc. He also can get very sensitive when I and my sisters ask him about his childhood. He would always tell us that he misses his mother and father who he couldn’t see after he came to the United States. And couldn’t see his father before he departed and went “up to heaven” my father would say. But at least he got to see his mother again a few years ago after years of not seeing her since he was fifteen years old. Even though my father can be sensitive at times he still puts up a wall between his emotions, so he can focus on his family and put their needs first. He still sounds like a hero to me. 

The author's comments:

Dedicated to my father 

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