Date a Guy Who Plays Video Games | Teen Ink

Date a Guy Who Plays Video Games

November 10, 2020
By Dhammer BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Dhammer BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Date a guy who plays video games. A guy who instead of being at a football game is at home calling you while he’s playing games. Date a guy who always has time for you because they have nothing else going on in their life. Date a guy who plays video games because they'll try to get you into it because they want to spend more time with you. A guy who has drawers full of games and multiple terabyte full hard drives. Find a guy who plays games because they always have something new to talk about.

Find yourself a guy who plays video games because they'll always buy dinner. Find one because they’ll randomly buy you a gift or make dinner for you. Find a guy who plays games because whenever you need something they’ll be right there. You’ll know when you find one because they won't be doing anything, they might be on their phone or listening to music. He's the one who always wants to cuddle or hold hands and do things with and for you. Whenever you go to the mall they're always the one in Gamestop or in the apple store. Date a guy who plays games because whenever you have a technical issue they can fix it. They can fix any technical problems and they know what the best devices are to get. Date a guy who streams to make money and have a fun time so even if he's not next to you, you can still hear his voice and see him.

Find yourself a guy who plays video games because they aren't needy. Instead of buying them something for Christmas, just play a game with them. That’s all they need. If you find a guy who plays games then you won't have anyone to compete with. Gamers are loyal until the end. He will always be willing to have a weekend getaway to the mountains because even though they spend their time in the basement they love the mountains and road trips. As long as you know Saturdays are for him and his friends there won't be any issues. The rest of the week you can have him, just not Saturdays. Find yourself a guy who plays games because they love the colder weather and cuddles during the blizzard. Find a guy who plays games because he’s always going to be there for you at 3 am when you're sad. He would stay up all night with you to make you feel better because he's used to staying up late anyway.

If you find a guy who plays games you should know they're going to tell their friends all about you. They’ll tell their friends all of the good and bad in your relationships and they’ll get advice from them. Ask him about his favorite game and least favorite game, but be cautious because he could ramble about it for hours. He will always get excited when a new game releases and he can spend time playing it.

Date a guy who plays games because he's always there for you, he's never too busy. They’ll randomly do something for you without you asking. Just remember that Saturday is always for his friends.

The author's comments:

This is why you should date a guy who plays video games over a guy who is on the highschool football team.

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