The Splinter | Teen Ink

The Splinter

February 6, 2020
By Parker-Moran BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Parker-Moran BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The slip up

It was 9 years ago and the smell of the Fourth of July was in the air. The barbecue smell you get whenever you think of a fire burning, the smoked bacon sizzling on the neighbors grill, fun times. Me and my best friend Bryler were running around the neighbor's backyard. He ran around the pool and was quickly exhausted, and so was I. Since we lost our breath , we both stopped and ate dinner. He ran around like an Olympic sprinter, and I chased him while using up all of my stamina, and he ran on the deck. My mom told me to slow down, but I ignored her and it turned out to be a costly mistake. And I slipped and fell on my heel.

     I started to scream, and my parents were rushing over to get me. And soon I saw that I was in a pool of blood. I saw the neighbor’s call 911. I suddenly heard the sirens of an ambulance. I knew that something had happened below my waist because the pain was just in my leg area.  My foot felt like there was fire on it. It was like a match was lit on my foot. The blood then stained the swim trunks that I had been wearing. 

 What is pain, pain is an intensive feeling we feel when something disturbing is happening to our body. Pain management is how we treat the pain that we feel in our body. In today's hospitals, they take care of patients. The staff is becoming more judgmental toward patients with pain problems instead of treating the condition. In which I’m hoping my foot wouldn’t be too big of a pain. Nurses and doctors are supposed to make patients feel comfortable about their treatments and not feeling like they are being subtle when dealing with an injury.

     My parents rushed me to the hospital. These hospitals are considered the best places for effective treatment. The doctors and nurses do their work with dedication and maintain the pleasant atmosphere of the hospital so that the patients feel comfortable and better, meanwhile I was still screaming. The ride took really long so the pain stopped when I got to the hospital. I could still hear the sirens from the outside. As soon as we got to the hospital I saw my parents waiting outside. Soon the surgery began. 

     An anesthesiologist put me to sleep and then there was an epiphany, I had an awe inspiring dream. It was that I was better and I was playing with friends that I have never seen before. I grew up and had even greater memories with my family. I wanted this dream to be in reality. Then I woke up. It was very dark and a doctor came over and said I was alright.

      I soon looked at my feet and I saw stitches. I counted them up and there were 18.  I soon saw my parents come in and hug me. My sister was outside of the room patiently waiting for some good news. When she finally saw my foot she knew I was in really big pain. My sister soon got over the memory and we were back to normal.

   I spent a couple nights at the hospital and I realized what a mistake I made by disobeying my mom and I had karma. Soon friends and family came in and I felt loved.  I soon realized the lesson which always follows rules because this could happen. My parents were right that I could have had a fatal wound. Always follow rules.

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