Sacramento, My home | Teen Ink

Sacramento, My home

December 19, 2019
By jorgenavarro BRONZE, Sacramento, California
jorgenavarro BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hey my name is Jorge Navarro and i'm going to tell you how Sacramento is the best place to visit. There are a lot of things to do in Sacramento  let me be specific it has the most beautiful sunsets, just take a peek out of your window and you'll be staring at the orange,pink sky outside all day. Lets not forget about the most of the parks, there's one main park that every sunday has food trucks and you can just smell from miles away just makes you mouth watery  and bright big jumpers for the kids movie in a park that everyone gets to watch with the biggest screen you can see . The restaurants are the best 5 star restaurants everywhere you go, especially the customer service they treat you good at all times.

Unforntally everything I just described was all a lie. I live in South Sacramento where every step you take there has to be trash nearby. Where I live people stare at you like an eagle. The parks are filled with trash and kids lighting trees instead of playing on them. The customer service is the worst they treat you like you a piece of trash. The food truck sometimes haves cockroach. The sunsets are not all that if you take you head out the window there's a slight chance you'll smell weed.

There not a lot of 5 star restaurants around here in Sacramento if so that very rare. A lot of things need to change in Sacramento the lights on the streets are always out and people get shot for trying to follow their friends in gangs.

I sometimes wish I can feel safe walking at night but I don’t think that’s ever going to happen because the looks people give you when your walking pass is sometimes scary and don’t won’t stop staring until you pass the street. A lot of things need to change in Sacramento the environment is very dirty and I feel like Community should get together and make a change to that. I feel like a lot of things need to change in Sacramento but unfortunately that’s not going to happen unless we come together as a community

The author's comments:

This is about where i live as known as Sacramento california.

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