Milwaukee Surprise | Teen Ink

Milwaukee Surprise

November 25, 2019
By Anonymous

A few weeks into my freshman year, my friend Dalton snap chatted me and asked me if I wanted to go down to Milwaukee with some friends and watch our high school soccer team play at state. After about three days of trying to convince my dad of letting me go, he finally said yes. The plans were to leave about halfway through the school day on a Friday and head down to Milwaukee. Dalton’s mom had booked a bed in breakfast for us in Milwaukee. I was a little nervous about staying in someone's house that I didn’t know, but after hearing that Dalton’s mom had looked up everything about the homeowner and found perfect reviews, I calmed down.
Everything was set up. We left halfway through Friday, stopped for some food, and started on our trip down to Milwaukee. The people that headed down were Dalton (a senior), Jordan (a sophomore), Jacob (a junior) and Me. I didn’t know Jacob that well and I was excited to get to know him. The whole ride down we listened to music and talked. We told stories and talked a lot about sports. About halfway to Milwaukee, we stopped for a break. We called the owner of the bed in breakfast to tell him where we were, and that we would be there soon. The last hour of the trip is when the trip started to get long. The one hour ended up feeling like 3 hours, and all I wanted to do was get to the bed in breakfast and sleep. We finally arrived after our very long 5-hour trip.
I had never really been too interested in soccer and thought it was boring to watch, so when we go to the stadium, I wasn’t very happy to be there. The game started and I had learned that one of my best friends Dayton would start the game. The game was a wild one but, in the end, Amery had won 3-0. I had a different view of high school soccer. Soccer still wasn’t my favorite sport to watch, but it was still very entertaining.
We finally got to the bed in breakfast and decided to grind some games. Dalton and Jordan had both brought their PS4’s. We all stayed up until about 11 when Jordan and Jacob went to bed. Dalton and I weren’t tired, so we stayed up and played Madden 19 until 2 in the morning. Dalton and I played some very competitive games. We started a new game mode, and Dalton and I would switch tries. After a while of this, I started to fall asleep on the couch. I decided that it would be a better decision to go sleep in the nice comfy bed that was laid out for me, I’m glad I did.
The next morning, we all woke up to freshly made bacon, eggs, and waffles. We all gulped our food, and all decided that the food we had eaten was some of the best we’d had in a while. After breakfast, we all decided to play more video games. After about a half-hour of playing games, our host came down from the second level of his house, where he had been sleeping, and started talking to us. He started talking to us about how he got into the bed in breakfast business, video games, and what he likes to do in Milwaukee for fun. He told us about all the fun arcades, museums, malls in Milwaukee. He told us that his favorite thing to do was go bowling with his son. After a while of talking, he ended up going back upstairs and just left us to play our games. We all liked the idea of going to the mall, so we all showered and got ready to go.
We got the car ready and picked out the most popular mall that was near us. We started driving and were happy to go. We all didn’t have a lot of money, but all had enough that if we found something, we liked we could buy it. We got on an intersection when the google maps told us to turn off on a ramp. We were turning onto the ramp when at the last point possible, the map told us to pull back into the intersection. When we pulled back onto the intersection this car tried to shoot the gap. We hit the brakes, but the car didn’t stop in time.
We ended up hit the other car in the rear-right tire and spun them around. Dalton quickly made sure the car was stopped and went to go see if the other people were okay. Jordan, Jacob, and I stayed in Dalton’s car and examined the other car. We were terrified. I had never been in a car accident before. I remember seeing the car shooting the gap and everything turned into slow-mo.
The back bumper had a little dent and a few scratches, but the tire got bent off the axle. We were told later that the people in the other car hit the brakes right as we were about to hit them, so they went into a skid while they were getting spun around. The right-side headlight ended up flying out of Dalton’s car, but we were able to plug that back in and it worked fine, which we ended up taping back on later. Dalton checked with the other people and no one ended up getting hurt.
The cops came about 15 minutes after the crash and asked if everyone was okay, what happened, and our information. A tow truck came after the cops got done asking us questions and picked up the other people’s car because of the damage. The cops ended up taking the other people, that was in the accident, in a police car. Us four had to go to a parking lot nearby, so we were off the highway, to talk to some officers. While we were there Dalton started to freak out because of the money he thought he was going to have to pay. The officer said that he wasn’t in the right or the wrong, and so were the other people, so he couldn’t tell us if Dalton had to pay or not. After a while of talking about what happened and multiple questions from Dalton the officer finally told us we could go.
After figuring where we were going to go, we went to a small strip mall. We decided to walk into a GameStop. Jordan had been debating on buying Madden 19 or Black Ops Four for a while and finally decided to buy one. He bought Black Ops Four and was happy with his decision. We then went to a Hobby Lobby, so we could buy some tape for Dalton’s headlight. We found some tape that was even meant for headlights. We went outside and taped the headlight on, so it was secure. Then we went back to the bed in breakfast. We got back to the bed in breakfast, and everyone ended up taking a 2-hour nap. When we woke up, we had to leave right away for the soccer game.
Our soccer team ended up losing, but it was a very close game. They played a private school, and the private school played cheap. We took pictures and went to a gas station to get some food for the bed in breakfast. The gas station we went to had bulletproof glass around the cashier and had a lot of people shouting everywhere. We got our food and left as soon as we could. We then went back to the bed in breakfast. On the way back we all got completely messed up. We had no clue where we were. Dalton took out his google maps and found the way back. We got back and pulled out Black Ops Four. We played for about 2 hours when we decided to go to bed. When we got to the bedroom Jordan asked Dalton and me if we wanted to play fortnite on our phones. Dalton and I agreed and ended up playing fortnite for roughly a half-hour. We played good together.
The next day was when we were going to go home, so we got up early, ate breakfast, and jumped on the road. It was a very uneventful way down. Halfway we stopped at a mall in the Dells and hung out with Dalton’s friend Morgan for about 2 hours. We walked through the mall. I saw a pair of shoes that were on sale, but I didn’t buy them because I knew my dad would have been mad. I regret it to this day. The rest of the trip went by fast. We finally reached Amery after our five-hour trip. Dalton started by dropping off Jordan and then Jacob. After we dropped them off, Dalton drove me to my house and dropped me off.
Some things that I learned on the trip was to not fully trust google maps. I also learned that high school soccer isn’t as bad as I thought it was. Car accidents also became very real in my life after that trip, and always will. The trip was a very good experience with my friends, through the calm and the rough.

The author's comments:

Friends go to watch the schools soccer team at state and have a very amazing experience

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