Getting Lost in Sunriver | Teen Ink

Getting Lost in Sunriver

November 6, 2019
By grant_kolberg05 BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
grant_kolberg05 BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever been lost in a place that is very crowded or in a place that you have never been to before? A very long time ago I was in Sunriver with my family. It was a very cold winter in 2012, my family and I  were just awaking from the long night. When I awoke I ran downstairs to watch some cartoons. And while I was watching, my parents woke up. When they turned the corner to go into the living room, my mom asked me, “Do you want to go to Hot Lava Cafe and get a doughnut and a hot chocolate?” I immediately responded with pure excitement and sprinted at top speed to reach the top of the stairs and get my clothes on.  Once I had gotten ready my mom told me that I needed to wait until she took a shower, got dressed, and did her hair. I was very disappointed because of this tragic event. After what felt like forever my mom came out of the room and said she was ready to go. My dad had been ready that whole time just like me and was probably just as happy to get a doughnut. Next we headed out to the garage where we all got on our bikes and got ready to bike to the village. The bike ride there was a path that I had already taken many times before. It took us about an eight minute bike ride to get there. Once we were there we walked over to the shop and went inside. Once we were inside I picked out my favorite doughnut they had there. It was called “The Bigfoot.” After we had ordered and ate our treat we walked outside in the frigid morning air and got on our bikes. Once we were on out bike my dad said, “Why don’t we take a different route home. My mom and I agreed and we started off going the opposite direction of what we had come from. Me being so adventurous wanted to go ahead and beat my parents home, so I sped off and left my parents in the dust. I was pretty confident I knew how to get home, so I did not slow down at all. I started taking some ill advised turns and pretty soon I had no idea where I was. My young brain then told me to keep biking so that maybe I would find someone or someplace I knew. After about five more minutes of biking tears started rolling down my face as I started to think I would never see my parents again; but I just kept biking. Eventually I rounded a corner and appeared at what was called the Sharc, an indoor and outdoor waterpark. At that time I did not know how to get home from there so I made a smart decision and decided to go in and try to call my parents. Once I had walked over to the entrance, I could feel the cold eyes of people staring out at me. I cut everybody in line and ran to the front to ask the person running the desk if I could call my parents. They politely asked, “what is your mom’s number?” I responded with her number and then they called my parents. When they gave me the phone I asked my mom where she was. She completely ignored my question and said that she was so worried and had been looking for me everywhere. I then told her I was very sorry and proceeded to tell her that I was at the Sharc and that I was scared as well. My mom told me that she would bike home and then drive to the Sharc and pick me up. I was very thankful for her doing this because I did not want to get lost again. It felt like weeks until my mom arrived at the Sharc, and when she pulled up I ran over to the car and when she got out, we shared the biggest hug. When we got into the car and headed home she told me to always stay with her and dad so that I would never get lost again. The lesson I learned from this was be wise about your decisions and always stay with someone that knows the way.

The author's comments:

This peice is about me getting lost and being very scared, but eventually finding my way.

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