Halloween Night | Teen Ink

Halloween Night

November 3, 2019
By Ruhiliaaaaa BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Ruhiliaaaaa BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They sat there all alone. They sat there under the flickering street lamp. But soon that went out too, leaving the only light being the moon staring down at them as if it were mocking them. They sat there in the cold, the kind that made you brace your head shielding it against every strike the wind took at you. They sat there, with their hands trembling.  They sat there convincing themselves that there was nothing there. They sat there with their ears sharper, as if every snap of a twig is a predator. They sat there, waiting.

The author's comments:

I tried to play with repitition.

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