Christmas Eve at New York City | Teen Ink

Christmas Eve at New York City

October 29, 2019
By Anonymous

It was Christmas Eve, and we were at Rockefeller Center in New York City. There was a big Christmas tree in the center with a big bright star on top. There were many smaller trees around the big tree with pathways going through. It was very loud with a lot of people talking and people singing Christmas carols. I was blinded by the bright blinking lights everywhere. The ornaments on the tree had different shapes and sizes. It had ornaments that were as small as your hand to as big as a basketball. There were ornaments the shape of a ball, a star, or even a shape of a Christmas tree. Under the giant tree, there were also giant presents that were as big as myself. And there were bright white snowflakes falling from the sky and kids would try to catch them with their tongues.

The author's comments:

For this set piece, I used imagery to describe a scene of Christmas Eve at Rockefeller Center in New York City. I was born and raised in New York, and still remember the beautiful Christmas scenes in and around the city from my childhood memories. I tried to depict Christmas trees, people, colors and shapes of ornaments, and snowflakes falling from the sky. 

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