a quiet night | Teen Ink

a quiet night

October 28, 2019
By stuvi9 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
stuvi9 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was a glass of coffee in one hand and the other hand was tucked away in a pocket. The four people, one girl, her brother, uncle, and grandpa, walked down the dimly lit street. Few crickets chirped and leaves rustled, but for the most part, the night was quiet, as most 8:00 nights are. The people turned down a sharp corner and talked about things; the breeze, the houses, the stars. Every so often, a special house on the street would catch their eye and they would talk about how much they liked it. The brother and the grandpa walked forward, now talking about school. He was starting high school and summer was coming to an end. The girl and the uncle followed a few paces behind, talking about the weather. It was pleasant and cool, not a bit too chilly or a tad too warm. They liked it very much. Both of them, following the brother and the grandpa, made a loop and the girl and uncle looked up to gaze at the stars. The moon was a slim slice of light, barley bright, but still gorgeous, resting in the sky. There were so many glistening diamonds accenting the deep night sky. They smiled and took a short breath. The girl pointed up at a big and bright star that stood out amongst the others. She thought for a moment about the sheer beauty of that evening. The uncle also acknowledged the handsome nature surrounding them. Then they saw a shooting star. 

The author's comments:

The writing pursuits I was going after were people and feelings. I just wanted to express what the characters were feeling without making it too complicated. What I like about my piece is the simplicity of it, and the fact that I acknowledge the beauty of the small things in life. 

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