Loving someone is asking them to hurt you. | Teen Ink

Loving someone is asking them to hurt you.

October 28, 2019
By brxkenbutwhatever BRONZE, Cupertino, California
brxkenbutwhatever BRONZE, Cupertino, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Things change, and friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody. - stephen chbosky

She looked at him. Her eyes filled with hatred. She screamed, tears rushing down her face. You left me! You walked away, and now you want back in. You left me alone, and your job was to stay. You were once my father, and now you are my abandoner. I can never forgive you for that. Never. Her heart broke into thousands of pieces. She was confused, she didn't want to hate him. But she had to, she couldn't afford to get hurt again. He would hurt her if she let him back in. She was stronger now, stronger because of him. Because he left her. Now she understands. She understands that loving someone is asking them to hurt you.She looked at him. Her eyes filled with hatred. She screamed, tears rushing down her face. You left me! You walked away, and now you want back in. You left me alone, and your job was to stay. You were once my father, and now you are my abandoner. I can never forgive you for that. Never. Her heart broke into thousands of pieces. She was confused, she didn't want to hate him. But she had to, she couldn't afford to get hurt again. He would hurt her if she let him back in. She was stronger now, stronger because of him. Because he left her. Now she understands. She understands that loving someone is asking them to hurt you.

The author's comments:

In this peice I am expressing the characters inner thoughts and emotions in a shorter frame. I am creating a story line and a background of this character withen a few scentences. 

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