The rock | Teen Ink

The rock

October 25, 2019
By Anonymous

It was a sunny/cloudy day. I was a little girl like about 6-7 years old. My mom and my siblings would always go to delcastle park. I guess you could say she wanted us to stay healthy and stay fit. We would always go on walks and i  would always stay with my mom because i was little and all my siblings were older. I was the youngest and of course the smallest. But my mom decided one day that we didn´t have to go to the park and walk. Instead she let us all go play around.

So of course my eldest sister was always is  in charge. And she is a very responsible person and til now she still is. So all my sibling and me ran down the hill and my second eldest sibling alonso noticed that the baseball field was getting fixed he was the most trouble maker out of all of us. So we all ran down the hill with him and payed no mind to it. But all though it didn´t have grass on it to us it was a playground. It was full of dirt lumps and rock. And like i said there was barely any grass but to us it was fun. So alonso decided to split us up, boys against girls. So my eldest of my brother alonso and my other brother alexis he is one year older then me on one team. And in the girls team it was my sister andrea the eldest out of all of us, and my sister maria she is the middle child, and me the smallest one out of them. So alonso decided to play ¨war¨ with lumps of dirt and there was tall piled of dirt  randomly on the field those were used as i guess shields. We would hide behind them and we used the lumps of dirt to hit each the other team. Back then we had no common sense.

So we started throwing them at each other. We were trying to dodge them and all i  remember is picking one and i threw it at my brother alexis. And everthing from there everthing happened so fast but so slow. He picked one up but it wasnt a lump of dirt because as soon as a lump of dirt would hit something it would undo its self and it wouldnt hurt at all. But what my brother picked up wasnt a lump of dirt it was a rock coverd in dirt. And i was the first one to know that. So he threw it without knowing it and it hit me in the face next to my eyebrow. And i fell down all i heard was a thump and i got up and i saw blood thru the corner of my eye. And of course any kid when they see blood they yell so i did histerically. But what made it more scarier was that i made all my siblings screamed and cry and  i cried even more. 

So andrea and alonso grabbed me and ran to my mom up the hill and maria and alexis were right behind us. And all my sibling were crying up the hill. And when we got to my mom she was busy on the phone. But as soon as she saw my sibling crying she put the phone down. And when she saw me she hanged up the phone so fast opened the door and put me in the car. And we all got into the car and she gave me a paper towel to press on it and went home. My mom controlled the bleeding and put band aid on it and i had bangs so it would cover it. And the next day she sent me to school like if nothing had ever happened.

The author's comments:

My name is Fernanda and I am a 17 year old student at John Dickinson High School.  I like to watch movies, play with my dog, and spend time with my friends and family.  I want to go to college after high school and study interior design.

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