I Broke Someone's Arm. | Teen Ink

I Broke Someone's Arm.

October 17, 2019
By Anonymous

Hi, my name is Julia and I’ve done something that I will never, ever, forget. I broke someone’s arm. You may be wondering, was it out of anger? Was it an accident? Well the answer is both. No, I am not a physco person who goes around breaking people. It happened in a soccer game. So yes, my story takes place on the soccer field…

It all started on a Friday. My soccer team had an out-of-town soccer tournament scheduled for the weekend. I was so excited because I always love traveling for soccer. The tournament took place in Novi, Michigan. It was a five hour drive so I had time to kill. I had downloaded episodes of The Office on Netflix, and watched it in the car. The next morning we had our first game. We won that game 9 to 0, and almost everyone on our team scored!

My teammates and coach were all so happy that we had crushed our opponents, so we celebrated with lunch. I don’t quite remember the score of our second game, but we had also won that one.

The third game is when it happened. This game was the one that would determine if we were in the championship game or not. I ate my breakfast and then we were on our way to the field. The game was going fine, we were up by one point… but there was one problem. One of the players on our opponent’s team was quite annoying. She was all up on me and I couldn't shake her away. So finally when the ball was coming my way, I saw her out of the corner of my eye. I immediately thought: Clear the ball, and put her on the ground.

Yeah don’t ever do that…

I went to the ball and kicked it, as well as using my hands to push her onto the ground. I swear to you I heard a pop or cracking noise. I didn’t think much of it so I left her on the ground behind me. I started hearing crying and I turn and think: Oh crap, I am definitely in trouble now! But she looked at me dead in the eye and said, “Help. Stop the game, I think my arm is broken.” I have never experienced unity in competitive soccer like this before. I turned to the referee to tell him but he had already blown the whistle. The girl’s coach was on the field with her on the ground, and even a couple medics came to help. While all this was happening, our team was in a huddle trying to figure out a new game plan. 

We had won that game, and we made it into the final game. It was nerve racking and I felt sick. This always happens, I make myself all nervous before important games like these. But we won! Three to one. The funny thing was the fact that we beat the home team who was hosting the whole tournament. They were so mad that we won, they didn’t shake our hands at the end of the game, and they didn't even accept their finalists metals! They just packed up their stuff and took off. It was an eventful weekend. I was glad we won our tournament. 

And that is how I broke a girl’s arm.  

The author's comments:

I love to play soccer. 

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