The Perfect Gift | Teen Ink

The Perfect Gift

October 15, 2019
By ashleymunns15 BRONZE, Herriman, Utah
ashleymunns15 BRONZE, Herriman, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I can't wait for Christmas to come!” I exclaimed to my mom. It was finally the day before Christmas, and my family was preparing for the next day. It was always the best when that day-before-Christmas feeling that came around each year. I always loved Christmas because for at least a short time, everything felt perfect and magical. Our cousins and grandparents visiting us for the day and everyone was in good Christmas spirits! I could tell that this would be the best Christmas yet.

Our big beautiful Christmas tree was set up in the front room decorated with various ornaments. I thought we had the most beautiful tree in the whole wide world. It looked wonderful with its glistening lights and each branch perfectly strung with precious ornaments.  Underneath the tree were brightly wrapped gifts, each labeled with different names for me and my family. 

In addition to the tree, our entire house was decorated too. Each surface was practically glistening with beautiful Christmas decorations. Our entire house felt so warm and cosy with our candles permeating the house with smells like apple spice and gingerbread.  I love that Christmas has its own kind of smell that made you feel warm and happy. The festive wreath on our door was like the cherry on top. Every decoration working to make our home bright and festive.

It had been so hard trying to patiently wait all month for Christmas day to arrive. I knew that my mom was saving some gifts to wrap that night so I decided that I just couldn't wait to see what I was going to receive. While my mom was in the other room talking to my grandparents, I quietly tiptoed to her office. I got into my detective mode. I looked through notepads, shuffled around the closed checked under blankets and behind books. I started to give up all hope when I finally stumbled upon it. The perfect gift.

 Sitting right before my eyes was the most beautiful box, bursting with all sorts of art supplies. There were hand lettering brush pens, oil pastels, watercolor paints, colored pencils, markers, and basically anything you could ever imagine. It even had a handle to carry it by!  I immediately knew it was for me. Who else would my mom give it to? I loved hand lettering and painting so my mom must have known that it was the perfect gift for me.

 All day I spent my time daydreaming about all the kinds of paintings and drawings I was going to make using the supplies. I was most excited for the hand lettering brush pens. For months I had spent countless hours practicing my hand lettering so it could be perfect, and I felt like I had finally reached that stage.  

Later that evening my mom announced that my cousins were going to open their gifts from our family since they would be leaving within the next couple hours. My mom had Avery open hers first. She received a cute ribbon box because my mom knew she loved collecting ribbons, and she also got a beanie so she could keep warm in cold, Grangeville, Idaho. 

Zoey went next and was handed a box and by the shape, you could tell that it had a handle. My first thought was that it was my art box, but I tried to quickly push that thought away from my mind. As Zoey started to unwrap the present, my heart sank. There was no denying that it was the art box. How could my mom give a gift that was perfect for ME to my cousin? She knew how hard I had been working to make my hand lettering perfect. This was going to be the worst Christmas ever. 

Zoey immediately opened it up and started using the materials. All those paints, markers, and hand lettering brush pens were better than I could have ever imagined. Although I wanted the art set so badly for myself, I knew that Zoey would have just as much fun as I would have. 

When the time came, Avery and Zoey left taking the precious gift with them. I watched as their car started driving down the street and finally disappeared around the corner.

 As I prepared for bed, I tried to be happy. It was Christmas eve! Things will be much better in the morning, I thought. I slipped on my brand new Christmas pajamas and fell into a deep sleep.

Me and my brothers woke up early the next morning anticipating all the gifts we would open. I almost forgot about the art box I had wanted so badly the day before. We ran up the stairs and into the living room, and that's when I stopped dead in my tracks. There it was. The perfect gift. I cried tears of joy as I ran to pick it up. I couldn't believe that it was mine!

My mom enfolded me in a warm embrace. “I bought one for you too because I knew it would be perfect for you! I'm so glad you love it!” she said. I couldn't have been more grateful! It really did turn out to be the best Christmas ever!

The author's comments:

I worked really hard to make this essay what it is. Its based on a personal experience that I had a couple years ago where I found a Christmas gift that I was sure was meant for me, but it actually ended up being given to my cousin. Unlike the story's happy ending, in real life I did not end up getting the art box. Though I was dissapointed, it really did turn out to be one on my best Christmases and I'm so blessed for everything I have. Looking back at this experence has shown me that we don't always get everything we want in life and thats ok. it was fun to gp back and play on the idea that maybe I would have gotten the gift that year.

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