what a great start | Teen Ink

what a great start

October 11, 2019
By cynthia_emt BRONZE, Dale, Texas
cynthia_emt BRONZE, Dale, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What a great start

It all started in January 2018, soccer season had already started. During that time it was so cold. On a Saturday morning we had one of our middle school games against Gorizky. The game was very intense everyone on the sideline was so into our game. We won 2-0, and we were the only team that had beaten Gorizky in the season and even at a long period of time. It was history! But at the last minute of the game before it ended, it was a 1 vs 1 against the other midfielder of the other team: she was number 9. She kept pulling my shirt and shorts, she looked so mad trying to get the ball away from me. After the game I was so mad because player number 9 kept pulling my shirt, I looked back to look at her again. Oh wait, I recognized her, her name was Natalie. The only reason why I knew her was because she is friends with my friends and I follow her on Instagram. I can see how angry she was with me every time I looked at her, it reminded me of how she kept pulling my shirt. What a great start. 

Months passed. It was the summer of 2018, everyday just kept getting hotter and hotter. It was tournament season:  Copa Univision. I heard that there were going to be a couple of new girls who hadn't played with us; I had the excitement of having to meet them.

 When my parents dropped me off at the fields while they were finding where to park because it surely was so packed. I walked through the crowd,everyone was bumping into each other to get registered. After I had registered I went running to go find my teammates, I felt the joy of having to see everyone once again. After a couple of minutes, I saw the three new players,  their names were Emily, Naidelin and Natalie. Oh wait! Wasn't that the same girl who kept pulling my shirt and shorts. I had to be nice to her to be able to play together without having to hate her. I nicely started talking to her. I introduced myself and asked her, “You’re Natalie right?” She looked at me creeped out like if I was a stalker. She seemed like she didn’t like me, she probably didn’t even remember that I was that girl she was pulling shorts and shirts to, she just looked uncomfortable. I heard Natalie isn’t as nice as you think when you first meet her, she seemed like a serious person. I noticed she wasn’t as open to meet new people like I am, we are definitely were the opposite. I would hear her say that I was so annoying, i was still nice to her, but when we played together everything was just fine. We communicated a lot, we helped each other and we kept winning, everyone was so happy. We got to the finals and we won we were the 04 girls team champions of Copa Univision 2018.





June 16th 2018

Copa Univision 2018 champions

Months passed. It was September 2018, it was Naidelin’s quinceanera one of the new girls who I met at the Copa Univision. I arrived to the party I was early i got to see Naidelin and hangout with her for a while before more people arrived to the party. More people kept coming in and most of the girls from the soccer team were arriving to the party. Feeling the music made me want to dance, I made my friends to dance with me. We sure were having an amazing time. I saw Natalie and Emily come together I was happy to see them again, I felt even more pumped up. Seeing Natalie was different from the first day I met her, remembering how she will pull my shirt and shorts. She seemed more nicer but a feeling she still wasn't fully convinced i was annoying. We had so much fun I was dancing so much I was spending time with Natalie, she didn't seem to be as judgy as how she was with me at Copa Univision. We kept dancing until our feet felt like if we were to be stepping on nails. Everyone was enjoying being together and having so much fun, we even ended up taking a group picture. It was such a great day. 

The day after Naidelin’s quince i posted the group picture we took on instagram and tagged everyone on it. My phone vibrated and i checked it. It was a comment on my recent post from Natalie “I had so much fun with you <3!!” Natalie was being nice we started talking as friends, seemed I wasn't as annoying after all.

Months passed. Me and Natalie hung out all the time we became more closer than expected. We spent time together so much, I trust her more than anybody. I will always go to her when I felt lonely and when I needed someone to talk to. She understands me more than anybody and knows me more than anybody have had. I helped her through her worst and her best. I remember saying how me and her were the opposite of eachother but through days, weeks, and months we seemed to be more like each other. We were the same, she says im her mini version since im younger. Natalie is not just the greatest person but she is an amazing best friend. The sister I always wanted, my only friend who became more important to my life and my family than expected. I remember when I first met her, she was pulling my shirt and shorts. We still laugh and make fun of how much we hated each other, and go back to the days Natalie didn't like me. It was a great start.

The author's comments:

Natalie means so much to me, in a way that my best friend became family. She is very supportive and very mature that I could always ask for her opinion and advice on things that I still struggle to decide of doing. My family really love Natalie they say she's just like me, i mean we are kind of the same person. This personal narrative will have me remember how me and my bestie met and i think it is very important. It's good to always give people a chance when it's necessary.

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