A Dessert in Dakota | Teen Ink

A Dessert in Dakota

October 9, 2019
By stirsmo BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
stirsmo BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s a quiet morning in the hotel me and my family are staying at, there’s six of us total, all crammed into that small room. As I slowly get up, excited for a day that I know will be full of adventure, hiking, rock climbing, studying animals, and so much more. Making my way towards the breakfast room, I notice that my parents are already packed and ready to leave for the Badlands.

Me, my brothers and my parents all finish our breakfast and climb into our van and begin our journey. 30 minutes is all it takes for us to reach our destination. I stepped out of the van and take in a breath of fresh air. Taking in all the colors and hills, its quite, there are no birds chirping, no people are taking, no background noise. It’s a peaceful place, where one can get lost in his thoughts, it’s a place the sparks creativity and ideas, where one can roam, be free from the world and its distractions.

I immediately leave me family and go down into the hills, trying not to trip over my feet as I descend further and further. Before I know it, I’m four football fields away from my family, sitting on ledge peering down into what appears to be a bottomless pit. There are hills surrounding me, each having their own unique pattern of stripes and colors.

Everything is so quiet, this is a place where you can just forget about your problems, a place where it allows you to be completely free. The air is so clean, the scenery is absolutely stunning, the temperature is warm, not too warm, the perfect shorts and T-shirt weather. The sun is setting, giving the clouds a red and orange hue.

I start heading back towards my family, who are just small specks now. I know that I will miss being here, I will miss the peacefulness of it all, the breathtaking view, the feeling of being free. Even though I know that I will return, it gives me a feeling of sadness, so I say goodbye to this place, this place of tranquility and peace.

The author's comments:

A time where me and my family took a trip to the Badlands

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