Lake Day | Teen Ink

Lake Day

October 9, 2019
By blakebauman29 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
blakebauman29 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My feet dangle off the wooden pier. As I look down, the water ripples and the fish dive into the glistening water. I see little fish with glowing scales and sparkling sand below my feet. I glance at the calm water and see the reflection of tall trees.

“Look at that sandhill crane!” I shout.

The crane tiptoes across the sandy surface, looking for breakfast. 

After glancing among the horizon, we decide to go on the boat and enjoy the scorching 77 degree weather. The engine starts. Smoke slowly comes out of the exhaust and I smell the gas burning into fumes as the boat slowly drifts away from the dock.

As we got out towards the middle of the lake, Kenzie watches a frog majestically jump onto a lily pad. The frog dives deep under the surface of the water and pops up seconds later for air. We continued to watch the frog as it peeks up on the lily pad and stare at the dragonfly nearby. 

It is now 7am, on the dot. The anchor quickly fall to the surface of the water as we came into close proximity to the island. I jump off the boat into the water and my toes push off the sandy bottom. It is quiet on the lake. 

The birds chirp as “Fly Away” by Lenny Kravitz starts playing. The water stands  still and clouds form in the sky. I lay back on the seat and close my eyes. I smell fresh water and algae. Frogs and crickets jump left and right as fish swim around the boat. 

In the distance, the sun slowly emerges from below. The sunrise is a light yellowish and orange. I am at peace. 

I feel the cool breeze as it drifts by. Another boater is in range. We hear their boat from around the corner but it is not visible. We slowly turn the corner and see the island from another angle. 

The island is the definition of true beauty. The positive vibes from the lake forever bring joy to our lives.

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