Flower Incident | Teen Ink

Flower Incident

September 28, 2019
By Anonymous

One day at school when I was six years old.  I was playing with my sisters on the playground.  We were hanging on the monkey bars having fun.  I let go and successfully landed on my feet.

    As I was wandering around the playground.  I saw some pretty pink flowers on the side near the back of the school close to a gate.  As I went on to look further into the flower.  My sister yelled my name “ Yanira!! Where are you? ”

    I responded “ I’m over here by the gate! “

    My sister Neira complied “ What are you doing? That flower is poisonous! “

    I didn’t listen to her and so I ripped the flowers off the plant and held it up to show her that it wasn’t poisonous, but she got mad and later on added “ Your going to regret it. ”

   A couple days go by and I start to get some type of rash.  My mom was curious so she told me, what I did the previous day or so.  My sister ended up telling my mom and my mom irritatedly told me “ Porque tocaste la flor? “ 

   “ I just wanted to hold it. “ I retorted

   Sooner or later we ended up going to the ER and one of the doctors told me “ I’ll give you a medicatioin and you can just apply on the rash two times a day.”

   This has changed many things in my life.  I thought to myself if I hadn’t have done nothing bad would’ve happened, but now I do what people say because it shows respect and generosity.  So from that mistake if I know if I don’t have respect then nothing good comes out of it.

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