Not so Surprise | Teen Ink

Not so Surprise

May 7, 2019
By Anonymous

“Where are we eating dinner?” I ask Alyssa as we left my house. She looked at me and just smirked, which makes me very curious about what is going on. She had soft country music playing which was strange and she was all dressed up. I started to get anxious about what was going on. I thought that some of my friends were planning something but I did not think it was actually going to happen.

I was looking on snapchat and saw that all my friends were at baileys house. I guess they are just doing another thing without me.

“We have to stop and get my credit card from Bailey’s house before we go to dinner,” Alyssa said.

I looked at her and asked “What is going on?” but she looked confused by me asking this. Little did she know that I had an idea about what was going on but I kept thinking what if I just have my hopes up.

Every year my birthday is awful and I hate when it comes around. I dread my birthday week because everything always seems to go wrong. I'm sitting in the car and all these things are running through my head. I hope this year is better than the last few years cause this week has already been really bad.

We pulled up to Bailey’s house and there were people running from the street into her backyard. I looked at Alyssa and said, “Why are people running into Bailey's backyard?”.

Alyssa looked panicked and said, “I am not sure who those people are and I have no idea why they are running into bailey’s backyard.” Yeah ok.

Little does she know that I figured out what was happening before we pulled up to Bailey’s. As we get out the car Alyssa says, “I got to call Bailey and tell her we are coming to get my credit card”.

I look at her and said, “I know what is going on.” I  feel so bad that I know. The guilt I was holding inside was all let out and I felt relieved.

She looks at me and hangs up the phone and said, “Seriously you know?” I felt guilty knowing but I did not want to lie and say I did not know. She still walked me into the party and lets everyone surprise me although I had figured it out.

“Surprise!” everyone shouted as I walked in. I felt so happy knowing all these people came for me.

“Aw thanks, you guys!”  I said after being bombarded with hugs. I can not believe they did this all for me. All of my friends were there including my boyfriend that planned this whole thing for me. I am so lucky to have him.

“Happy late birthday!” said all my friends as the night went on. We all danced, listened to music, and enjoyed each others company. I have not had this much joy in my heart in a long time.

God showed me through my friends that I need to have joy in my heart instead of being anxious all the time about things I cannot control. The joy that my friends brought to me that night will forever live in my mind as the best birthday.

The author's comments:

This was a personal story about s surprise party my friends had for me that related to a Fruit of the Holy Spirit. 

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