Best Friends Forever? | Teen Ink

Best Friends Forever?

April 30, 2019
By Anonymous

Friends may not stay in our lives forever. Even the friends who you think will stand in your wedding, be your child’s godparent, or be your best friend forever. No matter how inseparable you are with your best friend or how much you promise each other that you will always stay in touch, life always somehow seems to get in the way. Yet, there is always that one lucky survivor who somehow manages to stick around after the three kids, two houses, five midlife crises, and four jobs. I had hope that mine would.

My best friend and I did everything together, from painting each others nails to teaching each other how to shave our legs for the first time because puberty had “happily” come into existence. We helped each other grow, and taught each other different things. Though we were too young to realize it, she was the stepping stone I needed in my life and I was hers.

At a young age, of course I thought that she would be my friend for life because firstly, she was my first and only best friend, and secondly, because I had no perception of time until the age of twelve. That is the funny thing about time, how it does not start to matter until you get older and lose your innocence.

We lived our lives to the fullest. She brought out a side in me that was carefree, which allowed me to be content with myself, and she never belittled me or made me feel like I did not matter. Her home and family were my home and family and vise versa. These feelings led me to believe that we would never grow apart, but I was wrong.

It was the beginning of high school that led to our division. We failed to acknowledge the sudden distance, and it was as if we were complete strangers to each other. The question of why this happened still circulates in my head, and I am not sure I will ever figure out an answer. There was no falling out that led to the division, we just simply stopped talking. That is the sad part that I struggle the most with. I always ask myself if I did something to upset her or if I was enough. I still wonder about what she thinks about the whole situation but I will never know.

Friendship can be best described by the quote, “some friends only last a season, while others are here to stay for our whole lives. Enjoy every friendship while it lasts.” Though my best friend was only there for a season, she was the person I needed at that time to help me grow into the person I am today. I think that we are meant to have these “seasonal” people to teach us lessons about ourselves and life.

All friendships are different. Some friendships last a lifetime, and others last for a couple months, but all of them are significant in one way or another. Each one teaches us something different either about ourselves, others, or life. Even though my friendship with my best friend only lasted a portion of my life, it taught me things that I could have never taught myself. From this friendship, I have learned to accept that not everyone is meant to stay in your life and that is okay.

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This piece is about friendship. 

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