I'll Forget | Teen Ink

I'll Forget

April 20, 2019
By Anonymous

You lie because it feels better than telling the truth. Your eyes darken with desperation whenever I threaten to leave and so you say exactly what I want to hear. Once I am back in your hands, you seem to forget I almost left. And I forget why I ever wanted to. It’s the exact moment in which you bite your thick lips as I spit out any truth you once changed. You become drenched in anger and sweat as you attempt to stick back your tales. It’s the sign of disrespect you show everyone women in your life including me that reminds me why I ever left. You always forget the time you humiliated me in front of your friends. Called me “another one” and claimed to have forgotten my name, said I didn't deserve one. You ignore the day you said you’d never fall in love with someone like me. You seem to forget that night in which you called out all my insecurities and flaws and laughed when I was too weak to find the words to respond.

Now, I am strong. I’m done being lied to. Or hating myself because you refuse to love me. For so long, I was too numb to stand up for myself. But, now it's me who seems to forget. I’ll forget the boy who shoved me to the ground and laughed when I couldn't get up. I’ll remember the girl who was strong enough to shed a tear and wipe the dirt off her knees. I’ll forget the guy who begged me to stay when he cared less if I did or not. I’ll remember the girl who knew when it was time to walk away even though, it caused her this unbelievable pain to say goodbye. Because I am that girl, that strong girl. With insecurities and flaws that she will one day overcome, but who loves herself regardless. That same girl will love herself like no one else ever will.

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