What It's Like Being Outed at School | Teen Ink

What It's Like Being Outed at School

March 27, 2019
By maggiethequeen5 BRONZE, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
maggiethequeen5 BRONZE, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Learn from Yesterday; Live Today; Hope For Tomorrow

I came out as pansexual in school not to long ago, and I ended up having a rough time. One of my closest friends and I stopped being friends, even though it wasn't because I came out and I didn't "deal with it well." I came out to her over email and she was really mad at me because for some reason, she thought that I has lied to her, which wasn't the case.

A couple weeks after that, this guy moved to our school district and was put into my class. I didn't like him, I knew the first time I met him that I didn't like, I don't even know why, but he just gave off this really wierd vibe and I didn't like it, so I kept my distance and eventually he read the emails. I don't know how but he did, and it made me mad, I ended up confrunting the person that the emails where sent to and she said that she didn't tell him, I trusted her and continued on with my everyday life.

As time progressed he began to go around school and tell people what my sexuality is, even though I wasn't ready for people. Everyone always tell me to ignore people when they piss me off, so I did so, and continued to igonre. When the month changed, we got new seats in almost every classroom, and eventually, he st next to me in three of them, I didn't like it. In my english class we were doing a disability project and he would say he had terets (even though he didn't) and hit me over and over again.

He continued to tell people and I decided that I needed to tell my friends what was going on, so I told my closest friend at that time what had happened and she told me to ignore it, like I figured she would. It began to get worse, "that little pansexual a*s," he would say, to my classmates. I had trouble, a lot of trouble, mentally especially. I had dark and suicidal thoughts that I couldn't get out of my mind. I tried to ignore him, but it really didn't work. 

I went to a guidance teacher and she sent me to the office, I had to talk with my vice principal, which to me was a little scary, but I explained to her what was going on and she made him apologize. I didn't get why he did what he did, but in the end I came out to everyone, even on social media, I still haven't came out to my family, to me that will be more difficult than I ever thought it would be, but eventually, I will.

The author's comments:

This is a true story of what happened to me and I hope that this can open the reader's mind to what can really happen out there, I included some triggering topics, so please, if you get triggered easily, don't read.

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