The Girl of my Dreams | Teen Ink

The Girl of my Dreams

March 27, 2019
By edgarmartinez1422 BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
edgarmartinez1422 BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This is the story of how I met my match, the girl of my dreams, the girl I fell in love with.

Their she sat, one summer afternoon. Watching videos, replying to texts or just listening to music. I never knew. I guess I never shall. With her cute blue justice shirt and her tight black leggings. That was the first time I saw her, my new found love. I didn’t think of it much like usual, so I introduced myself to her. She left my hand hanging in the air like a spider ignores people passing by. I could feel how I was slowly starting to get hot of embarrassment, I quickly pulled my hand back and put it in my pocket. After that I walked away thinking she disliked. I didn’t see her again that day. We shared no classes. For the following week every time I would see her I would keep my distance to not bother her with my presence. After that it was finally time to enjoy my summer. She never left my head.

It was day one of the 9th grade. I sat by myself that morning, although I had made friends during summer bridge I could find any of them. I sat there thinking if I would see that mysterious girl again or if I was going to have her for any classes. I sat there thinking that if we did I was going to avoid her entirely just in case she still didn’t like me. I sat there thinking about how she hadn’t left my head ever since that day. I sat there thinking how she had been in my dreams so many times yet I had talked to her once. I thought if we ever had a conversation how it would go. How awkward it would get. Then suddenly it was 7:55 and everyone was starting to head out for their classes. I joined them

 I walked in that class full of energy to start the year. Their she was, sitting in the center table with one of her friends, she was a sight to behold. The prettiest by far in the entire classroom. I instantly panicked, my anxiety was starting to kick in. I wanted to run away. Then two thoughts raced through my mind, battling with each other of which was priority. Thought number one was “you said you wanted to learn this year and not talk with anyone” the second one was “if you sit too close to that girl you will be in huge trouble. She doesn’t like you remember?” Both of my thoughts agreed on one thing, sit as far as possible from people to avoid talking to them specially those two. So I chose wisely the table from the very corner, it was far away from them and it was empty. With my mind now at ease I sighed in relief that I wouldn’t get ganged up on by those two.

Then the most unexpected thing happened. The one girl I had been trying to avoid since summer bridge, the one girl I thought didn’t like me invited me over to sit with her and her friend. My brain exploded with anxiety and relief at the same time. I felt a rush of energy going through my body, I couldn’t say no to the prettiest girl in the class. The anxiety increased as I got closer to her table. My relief grew because I saw she meant it and that she didn’t feel annoyed by my presence. She even smiled at me as I got closer. That filled my heart with warmth, like the sun heats the worlds that orbit it. I sat awkwardly trying to fit in with them and the conversation they were having. I stayed silent for the entirety of the period trying to not be a nuisance to my new classmates. After that I had to go to CP. It was fun, I didn’t have to worry about that pretty girl anymore.

Then third period came I met a lot of new people and some friends I had made during summer bridge. I was off to a good start, and I didn’t have that pretty girl in sight. Nowhere to be scene. Finally, fourth period arrived, I had no worries except who I would talk to. Then she walked in those gates with her long baggy shirt and her black jeans. My brained blanked for a second just staring at the beauty walking in. I caught myself before she did because I didn’t want her to know I was that weird. She talked to me a little bit that class, I gave her small dry answers because I was holding myself back from getting hot, I’m not good at talking to pretty girls without getting flustered. So my way to solve that was by not talking as much. The class was finally over. I sat with the friends that I had made during summer bridge. She stayed in the back of my head though, every now and then I would check where she was.

Lunch was over. I had an enjoyable lunch with my new friends. We caught up on what had happened during the Summer. Fifth period was now starting. My mood had been improving all day. I walked in early to that class to present myself properly to my teacher. Then out of nowhere she walked in that door, looking cuter than ever. My eyes saw no one else except her, how could they see anyone else with that beauty present. I quickly looked away trying to avoid eye contact with that gorgeous person. She sat at the front of the class, something I could never bring myself to do. We had a peaceful class period although I continued looking at her. I couldn’t stop my eyes from doing so. She was a mesmerizing sight to behold.

 After that class was over we talked on our way to the next one. We didn’t really have a conversation it was just small talk from both sides. When we got there I sat next to a guy I had talked to before, she sat behind him. I have never felt that much anxiety before. I walked out of that class walking like a robot. Finally, I had a breather from that beauty. That night I had a dream, she was in most part of it. The girl I had been dreaming for years final had a face, it was her. The girl of my dreams

The author's comments:

this is the first part of many dedicated to my girlfriend brianna5456

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