A Home Away From Home | Teen Ink

A Home Away From Home

March 20, 2019
By jazminnoel BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
jazminnoel BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wonder if people have a place that they consider a “home away from home.” For me, that place would be Saint Lucia, a country located in the Caribbean. This is where all my culture comes from and I love being able to tell someone what it is like over there when they’ve never heard of the country. The mango trees are tall, the beaches are breathtaking, and although the roads can be rocky and a bit dangerous to drive on, the overall island life is beautiful over there. The neighbors always say good morning, afternoon, and night to each other and even though I don’t know them they know me from when I used to travel as a little girl and stayed at my aunt’s place. Whenever we were on our way to my aunt’s house from the airport (which was about a two hour ride), I could usually tell when we had arrived because of the long steep road we’d have to drive up. It was totally destroyed from the storm so it was usually better to walk up than to drive. This storm was from a few years back which completely destroyed the land that my family lived on. With the help of my cousins however, they were able to rebuild her house and although it was small, it had various things you needed such as the open living room and kitchen as well as the two rooms. In one of the rooms there was a newly built shower and bathroom as well. Despite all the new things added, it still felt the same. Being able to sit outside in the morning and watch the animals run around while drinking pineapple soda, eating bread, and listening to everyone speak their mother’s tongue was the best part of my day over there whenever I visited. At night, it always rained heavily and was very windy. This made it easy to sleep as a nice cool breeze would always come in through the window. What I am able to experience in Saint Lucia is amazing and I guess what I’m trying to say is that I love the feeling of having a second home and I hope everyone has a place where they can feel like this as well.

The author's comments:

Being born and growing up in America, whenever I'd tell my friends what my ethnicity was and where my parents were born, they'd always looked confused because they had never heard of Saint Lucia before. It made me feel ashamed at one point because no one knew but as I got older, I started to love Saint Lucia and truly embrace being a Saint Lucain-American. I wanted to write this piece to express what Saint Lucia means to me as well as my family. I hope anyone who gets a chance to read this can relate and grow to love their heritage and culture as well.

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