White Sands, Crystal Water | Teen Ink

White Sands, Crystal Water

March 15, 2019
By nataliat02 BRONZE, Petoskey, Michigan
nataliat02 BRONZE, Petoskey, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh the money I would pay to see the clear waters and rich white sands of Miami, Florida once again. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The water was so clear, the sand so white, and the air so warm, I had never seen anything like it and the feeling of sweet escape washed over me as I closed my eyes to take in the pure moment. Though day after day in the cold, bitter, winter months, my head aches pondering about how much I miss not having to drag my heavy coat out of the closet every time I want to leave the house. The few rare months in Northern Michigan where shorts and even possibly a tank top are reasonable choices of apparel. I miss the endless vitamin D shining from the hottest star known to man. Each season has its glories but summer wins them all. Since Florida is considered summer all year round, Florida therefore has also won all the glories for having the warm weather and shiny sun. Not to mention, with rare exposure to the great outdoors, I miss the fresh air that helps fuel my creativity and sense of mind. Adventure waits, whether it may be far or near. It waits until we approach and dive into the world of color and exploration. As I open eyes, I take one step forward into the soft white sand and discover the opportunities ahead.

The author's comments:

With spring break approching, this piece highlights my love for warm weather and the great pleasure that comes with adventure and traveling.

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