Loud | Teen Ink


February 13, 2019
By Anonymous

All people are different in their own ways. Some people are funny, others shy and even kind. I describe myself specifically as someone that likes to lead. What does individuality mean exactly? According to Webster's Dictionary individuality means “the particular character, or aggregate of qualities, that distinguishes one person or thing from others”. I think this word best describes me because of my desire to be different from people, whether it’s in sports or what I wear, I set myself apart from others. Individuality for me means standing out, being a leader, someone that's going to take ownership, for example.

I am a wrestler, and an example of me showing individuality would have to be during the wrestling season. Often, I lead warm-ups, show and teach new moves and answer questions on the upcoming events. I even go as far as driving kids to Detroit Lakes or Brainard to go to practices in the off-season. I'm the one who gives advice to all the kids that are starting to cut weight, such as what to eat and when to workout. An example I have with a teammate is when they are so close to weight and things aren't going right in their head. One person I have in mind is Landen we both use each other as motivation when we need it. I've helped him with the last workout before weigh ins and things on what to eat day to day.

In a way it can be considered helpful and kind but I like to think of it as individuality, because not many kids my age are willing to put themselves out there like that. Something that does not describe individuality is being average or not going off on your own. Just being a normal teammate and doing the same warm- up every time is not the kind of person I am. I will show new things all the time in the practice room.

I also like to wear a t-shirt outside, a long sleeve hoodie or even tuck my socks into my joggers. Not many people do these things and many people just say it's just a wrestling thing but I think it's partly because I want to seperate myself from everyone else. Anytime we have dress up days or on Halloween I'll dress up. On those days you can really see who stands out by how much they dress up.

An example that makes me stand out from most people is my ears. I get questions all the time about what happened to my ears and why they look so different. Which can be an example of individuality because it is different from the rest and stands out.

That's what I think of myself and how I could be described. Individuality is always something I strive for and that cannot happen unless you stray from the wolfpack. Everyone should be different and unique in one thing or another in their life and mine just happens to hit hard on athletics. Greatness never comes from average.

The author's comments:

This paper is about a word that discibes me and I chose Individuality. I talked about what it means to me and how we are simulair.

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