My First Donut | Teen Ink

My First Donut

February 11, 2019
By chelsearodriguez BRONZE, Hemet, California
chelsearodriguez BRONZE, Hemet, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We were in the car on our way home. The music blasting so loud I could barely hear myself think. The vibrations going throughout my body and was oddly giving me a slight foot massage. Dean reached his hand out and turned down the music, I could no longer feel the slight foot massage or the vibrations going through my body. He turned his head with a slight smile on his face, “Do you want to make a stop and do a few donuts and drive?” going through my head I thought to myself a donut?? I’ve never even driven nore done a donut before. I looked up from my phone with a nervous face and said, “yeah.” we stopped to get gas and while I was sitting in the car I was a little scared. I kept having all these what ifs. He finally got back in the car and the ride to where I was going to be driving was the same. The loud music continued and the vibrations came back to my body. We got there. A dirt road filled with stuff that people just threw there. As we were driving to the open dirt road it was bumpy with things like tires mattresses and trash all along the road. Along with the vibrations from the music there were bumps so as you coould imagine it was not the best mixture. We started off with him showing me how to do a donut. When we first started I was nervous beause he was going so fast that I thought the car was going to tip over. As we were in the car doing the donut I prayed to myself thinking that the car was going to tip and we were going to get injured. After he was explaining to me what to do he turned and said, “ do you think you got it and do you think you’re ready?” I replied confidently only not feeling confident, “ yes, and yes.” getting out of the car I was the most nervous I had ever been. There I was, in the driver seat. I  immediately put my hands on the wheel. I wasn’t given any instructions on what to do but I oddly knew what to do. I put the car in drive and put my foot on the gas and made a small circle getting myself ready to do a donut. The instructions I was given after I did the small circle was keep your foot on the gas and turn the wheel all the way to the left and occasionally turn it to the right but then quickly turn it back to the left. Agter Dean gave me these instructions I was so confused and he said, “ got it?” I know I should have said no knowing that I had no idea what he said but instead I said, “yes.” I put my foot on the gas and the break turned the wheel all the way to the left and, let go of the break. My body leaning all the way to the right and occasionally moving to the left when I turned right was definitely scary. Skrttt I stopped. I completed one whole donut. I was oddly satisfied with myself and somewhat proud. I had then decided that I was going to keep on trying to atleast make a some what perfect donut. So there I was in the driver seat if I wanted to atleast atempt this I had to be comfortable so I adjusted the seat forward backwards and higher up untill I got what I thought was perfect. Dean got out of the car and I had never been so scared in my life. With Dean in the car it was different I had someone in there telling me what to do as I needed to do it. Slam. the door was shut, he left. Okay, foot on the break turn the wheel all the way to the left right foot on the gas. Vroom vroom my left foot left the break and there I was my body moving all the way to the right and the biggest smile on my face. I was doing an acceptionally good donut and doing it by myself. I had never been more proud of myself

The author's comments:

This piece is special to me because I get to share what driving for my first time and doing a donut for my first time is like and how I  felt while doing it.

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