Poetry | Teen Ink


January 22, 2019
By Anonymous

Most people think that poetry is the most boring thing in the world. That it is a waste of time to read or learn about in language arts. They are so wrong, poetry is the most powerful thing in the world! It can tell someone's story and such a deep level or have someone break into tears, good and bad. It has saved many people, like how it saved me. Which then inspired me to write my own poetry because I want to change the world and tell it my story.


When I was in the middle of seventh grade, I moved away from my hometown. It was the worst thing and the best thing that happened to me. I lost many good friends, but I also gained lifetime friends and a very nice boyfriend who I’d give the world too and more. I’ve gone through depression and I’m still getting better, but what really has helped me the most is poetry. When I bought my first book of poetry, my mind was blown! It made me want to try and get better, to seek help in my parents. I never thought that words could be so moving like that, so I started writing my own stuff.

I’m probably not the best at writing poetry. I practice all the time by reading more and more poetry. So then I can get a good idea of how I should make the stanzas look, and what its shape should be. I want to learn more and keep getting better at it, also I personally don’t think I am the worst at it either. I’ve learned that poetry needs to have some sort of rhythm, like someone pitching in softball or the waves crashing onto lake superior’s shore. It also needs a story behind the poem, and to have reasons to what I am saying. It sometimes is very difficult to write because I need to find inspiration from myself and people around me, I Try and put myself in their shoes, like what they might have been through. The good and bad of their story can create the most beautiful words in the poem, I just hope someday I can get good at writing and show the world they’re not alone.

Poetry is a great way to connect with others. One can simply have an hour-long conversation and create poetry with their mouths without knowing it. The words can move someone in a way that is so powerful, they can be happy or sad. I want to touch someone like that, I want my words to get out and connect with other people without even knowing it. I want to make people feel not alone in their journey in this world, I just want to hug people with my words and tell them they’re not alone, that they’re loved by someone. Many people don’t feel loved, or they don’t have a family. I want to change that so they can realize how important they are and that they have a whole family behind them. I want to simply save someone.

So, if I want to connect with people, I thought that maybe I should get it published. It’s pretty obvious that getting my poems published would help me get my story out into the world. Then maybe they could see and get interested in poetry, instead of just passing it in the book section at target. I just want to be noticed like all the other poets, so then the community of poetry can grow! People underestimate how beautiful and magical poetry really is, it’s kinda sad. Someday I bet people will understand the feeling of the words on their lips once they read it out loud. Most people don’t even realize that there is a lot of poetry in music they listen too. It’s everywhere, in R&B, rap, pop songs, rock songs. It’s almost in every corner of the music industry. Remember to listen closely.

So, in all poetry is everywhere without realizing it! It’s the words in a simple conversation, in an old song. It helps people more than therapists do, or parents do. It just speaks to my soul and heart, just like one of those cheesy sad songs. I just hope someday more people will realize it that poets deserve a lot of recognition for their beautiful words and simple songs they make. I really want to change that, and change the world.

The author's comments:

I write my own poetry, and I love it!

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