Misjudging Friends | Teen Ink

Misjudging Friends

December 21, 2018
By dcc BRONZE, Sacramento, California
dcc BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In my first year of highschool, i was hanging out with two people that i had thought i could “hit” with and not get caught up or told on, but I had misjudged them. When things started getting dangerous they had told and tried to blame each other, which got everyone in more trouble. Because i was too quick to judge them and not really know who they were i had to find out the hard way about how to judge people. It is better to get to know people more before trusting them too much and doing things that could cost you your freedom.

I remember i was with two people after school one day i said,”Let’s go hit, any of you got an L,” and i thought of getting some money.

Then one of the people i was with said,” yeah i know this one guy who got jewelry and some beats, let’s go take his stuff.”

I replied with,”alright.”

We had got to him and took his belongings, but as we did this it was in front of a car with someone in it. After that i left and so did one other person we were with, but one guy stayed and got confronted with a camera in his face and when they asked who he was with he said,”I was with Daniel and Zion.” So because of this i was arrested a few days later at school.

After having this happen i didn't trust people as easily, and i tried to figure out what kind of people i was around so in the future i wouldn’t be in the same situation. The person i was with had told on us easily. Before this I had thought the person wasn’t a snitch. I had misjudged the people i was with and had learned a lesson to not trust everybody and to evaluate the people i was around.

The author's comments:

We all judge people, and sometimes we make mistakes.

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