why is the average person less than the average person | Teen Ink

why is the average person less than the average person

December 19, 2018
By Eli_45 BRONZE, West Chicago, Illinois
Eli_45 BRONZE, West Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever looked at yourself and thought why am i so depressed, well you're not alone. The average teenager these days is the most depressed anyone has ever been in history. Because of the internet people can see what everyone wants them to see at once. On instagram and snapchat people are seeing others become popular they see how happy they are and what there doing, and they're seeing that as the average person is and even your friends might be more popular than you. But first let me tell you my story. I grew up in a christian homeschooled household i was the 3rd child of 6 and things seemed pretty normal growing up both my parents loved me and loved each other. The only problem was whenever my dad got mad at us if we did something wrong he would yell and act really big he wouldn't abuse us or hit us at all. He was just loud and it got me really scared whenever that happened. I remember as a kid doing anything i could do to make my father feel in control. I remember needing to be able to read my father to know when i was pushing him too much, and that's why today i am so good at reading people because i had to when i was 10 years old. And one day in the summer i had decided that it was enough i would not live in the fear of my father and so i confronted him. i told him that when he yelled i was scared i told him that i could see it in others and he listened and changed. 2 years later he told me that that was the bravest thing i had ever done and that i should not forget that. But my troubles didn't stop there. freshman year of highschool my life started to go downhill again and here i am junior year still somewhat depressed but i have learned so much in the past 3 years. Because i don't have a phone and i only started going to a public school in the last 2 years i have a different perspective to life. i see so much pain in everyone at school and just everywhere. People go to school to learn and to get a job then work and raise a family and then eventually die, it’s not the best cycle and it seems like your just trapped is that and there's nothing you can really do. But the way i look at being trapped freedom is not the ability to do anything it is the ability to accept the rules that are there and work with them to your benefit. So it’s not worth being sad about what you don’t have you should be so happy for what you do have. This is what i would say is the biggest sin of the world of being selfish if every single person in the world would respect and love a stranger and they respect and love themselves the world would be such a happy place you could have friends helpers anywhere you go. But no there are who will not hesitate to take your money if you were to drop it by accident. Freedom is not the ability to do anyhting it is the ability to accept the rules that you are given and work with them.



i know im not the best at long articles i am much better at individually helping people its what ive spen the last 3 years of my life doing so if you want me to talk about one specific thing i can help out a lot more.

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