I Believe in Love | Teen Ink

I Believe in Love

December 12, 2018
By maddsos BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
maddsos BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe in a connection deeper than any other. I believe in love. When we are born, the idea of love is immediately introduced to us by our parents, even though we are too small and young to understand. We are given constant affection as a baby and as a small child. Parental love is the first time of love that we experience. Romantic love is never explicitly introduced to us, but it can encapsulate a variety of different things, so we notice it as a child. We are taught about romantic love not by feeling it, but thorough princess movies and the couples we see on the street.

As you grow, the idea of romantic love is constantly thrust upon you--it is “what makes the world go around”. As a naive child, I wished for love. I wished to be whisked away by my Prince Charming and live happily ever after. So, I waited. I watched romantic movies, wrote about my elementary school crush in my journal, and blew kisses to the Jonas Brothers on TV. Despite my yearning for love, I was only a child, and I knew that love wouldn’t come to me until I was a grown up, and I would have to wait.  

Little did I know that love would hit me over the head at the ripe age of 15.  It is a common misconception that you can’t feel real love until you are an adult; you are too young and you don’t know how to process your feelings yet and that the “real world” makes love more difficult to keep alive. The truth is this--I was in love. I fell in love with my best friend who lived hundreds of miles away. I am not afraid to admit that I was in love, because it is true. I was willing to give him the entire world out of pure love.

I believe in love, but I also believe in heartbreak. I felt an immense heartbreak at such a young age, and it truly changed who I was and who I am today. I began to put up my guards, and I didn’t let very many people in after that. Despite my heartbreak, I was still that little girl, yearning for love once again.

Flash forward to a few years later, and I have found love all over again. It amazes me how things happen, because I knew my current boyfriend for a year before I knew I actually liked-liked him. I have shared parts of myself with Brayan that I haven’t trusted anyone with since my first love. I can’t say that Brayan and I will be together forever, but I can say that right now I am in love with him, and I will ride the train of our love until the track runs out.

I believe in love. I believe that everyone can find love, it just might take a while. Now that i’ve felt it, i know that it was true, love does make the world go around.

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