Gigantic School, Long Lines | Teen Ink

Gigantic School, Long Lines

December 7, 2018
By Anonymous

At my school there are many problems that could possibly be addressed. The main problem that affects most students is the very long lunch lines. The lines that most students who eat in the cafeteria everyday deal with are extremely long and take up a lot of time. Students only have a certain amount of time to eat and talk with their friends each day, but that time is taken away when standing in a mile long lunch line..The lunch line moves very slow because there are too many people in the cafe and cafeteria at one time. My school is a very big school and having 250 or more students in line at once is too much. The line in the cafe gets so long that it will lead out to the classrooms in the hall. Students eat lunch fairly early in the day, so some students may not eat breakfast. This causes students to be very hungry when they are coming down for lunch. Waiting in a long line while feeling starving is never fun for anyone. Another reason why the line gets so long is because of the lack of different lines going in different directions and stations serving hot lunch. In the cafeteria, there are only two lines for hot lunch, and in the cafe, there is only one line. There are not enough stations to get a hot lunch, which is what most students buy on a daily basis. Long lunch lines are probably something all high school students can relate to, but since it's such a big school it is a substantial problem that needs a solution.

The solution that could possibly solve this problem is having separate bells for each grade to be released to lunch. The bells would not be too long apart, but it would be long enough to where the cafeteria and cafe can start serving food and sending students out so that the next grade could move in and get their food more efficiently. The bells would be based on grade level from oldest to youngest. Whichever grade is the oldest in that lunch period would go first, and the youngest would go last. The younger students would have to wait longer after announcements to go to lunch, but the lines would be so much shorter and the workers would not be so overwhelmed by the amount of the people getting food. Younger grades in independent study will also have more time to get homework done instead of standing in a line for thirty minutes. Another solution to not having enough food stations and lines would be to add another station and line in the cafeteria and cafe. They could add another place to get food in the cafe along one of the walls, and there would still be enough room for the same amount of tables. In the cafeteria, another station can be added on the side in between the potato and salad bar because it is empty between those two stations. This way, people would be more spread out and not as clumped together in one space trying to get the same lunch. This solution would work productively because it would prevent students from wasting a lot of their lunchtime standing and waiting in very long lines. This solution would work well because the different bells would make it less crowded at different times, allowing students to get through the lunch line quicker and be able to have more time to eat and socialize, and the separate lines would prevent clutter and stress while trying to get food.  

These solutions would work great because the lines will be made shorter, and a student’s time with their friends will not be taken up by a long lunch line. The lines may still be long, but they will not be as long as they are with only one bell for all students. The bells give the older students more time to get to the cafe or cafeteria and get their food before the younger students arrive. The oldest students who go first will already have their food, and they will be out of the way by the time the younger classes come down to lunch. The lunchtime would only be a minute or two shorter for some classes, but the students are not even eating when they get down anyways because of the line. This prevents clutter and commotion in the lunch lines in both places that lunch is available. The students would get more free time with their friends because instead of waiting in a lengthy line; they would only wait for about five to ten minutes.  The added food stations would also allow them to spend more time with their friends because the lines will move even faster when there are three hot lunch stations and another food station in the cafe. This could also be counted as a senior privilege or a reward for a grade that did something to earn going down first for lunch. It could be used as an incentive for classes to behave better in mass or school assemblies so that they can go down to lunch first and be first in line. The solution to this problem is one that could help make lunchtime less crowded and more productive.

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It is an essay proposing a possible solution to the problem of long lunch lines.

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