Vacation | Teen Ink


November 1, 2018
By Anonymous

Everyone knows that Italy looks like a boot.  Many people don’t know that in Italy all of the houses are made of bricks and cobblestones, and there is a very beautiful beach in Rome where the water is warm.  I took my girlfriend to Italy and the best thing ever was spending time with her.

One night I got home and my parents said “we were going to Italy for a week”. I asked my mom if I can bring my girlfriend and she said yes. I was all excited so I called up my girlfriend and asked her if she wanted to go to Italy. She told me she would ask her parents and let me know. I got a phone call saying she could go and I was so excited.  I couldn't wait. So Friday morning at 3 am we all went to the airport and got on the plane.

After the plane was about to leave we went to grab snacks real quick for the long plane ride. We both fell asleep on the plane and when i woke up we were in italy.

As soon as we got off the plane we got our bags and went straight to the hotel. As we arrived to the hotel we put our bags down and went to the beach.  I went in the ocean my girlfriend and I rented a jet ski and she drove it around the island and explored around. i've never felt the ocean this warm before it was 75 degrees.

That night my girlfriend and I went out to dinner at an italian restaurant and I had Pasta with alfredo sauce and it was very good. My girlfriend was very happy she went on this trip and she said she loved Me.

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