Video Games | Teen Ink

Video Games

November 1, 2018
By Anonymous

The first time I ever played video games was when I was 6 years old. The first video game I ever played if I recall correctly was Sly Cooper with my brother on the playstation 2. Its rough boxed matte shaped body, shiny smooth controller was one of the best feelings ever. Its ugly and fuzzy graphics looked so nice back then because we didn't know it could get any better, but if you play now during this generation of gaming their going to look terrible because of the new generation systems such as the XBOX One, and the Playstation 4. I didn't really like playing the game at first because I really didn't know how to play. But once I learned and got better at it of course I started to like it a lot more because it became more exciting. Sly Cooper is a racoon and basically the objective of the game is to be as stealthy as possible and to not get caught or else the mission will restart every time, or do a additional part to the mission that isn't required. For instance, there was this one mission where you had to break into a museum to take the clockwerk parts and if you got caught you would have to do a add-on part to the mission which is to escape the security guard Carmelita she's the museum security guard. Video games have the ability to calm you down when you’re mad, sad, or just frustrated. Video games can be used to help with people’s problems no matter the age. The first time I actually owned a Playstation 4 was when I was about 10 years old. I got it for christmas and I swear I was one of the happiest kids on Earth. When you feel the Playstation 4 for the first time and you just upgraded to that from a rough old playstation 2, you get a better feeling for the quality and precision that was put into that game system, and you start to appreciate it more. You feel the smooth but roughness of it, and you start to appreciate how much better the graphics are when you first turn it on and play. When you were younger you were able to just play video games for fun. Nowadays, you actually have to be good at every game you play or else there is no point of you having a game system, because if you're not that good at a game and you try to play online you're gonna get really mad because you're gonna lose every single match you play because everyone plays to be great at the game. Personally though, I feel like I don't have to worry about things like that because i'm really good at basically every game that I play. Since you're able to make a living out of playing video games, you really need to be a elite gamer. That’s why I play video games a lot because if my basketball career doesn't work out I would like to try and make a living out of video games. Video games are able to change peoples lives. For example, their is this Fortnite pro named “Ninja” and he is extremely good at Fortnite, if not the best. He didn't really make a lot of money back then. He was just a normal college student. Now he brings in about 500,000 dollars a month just for doing something that he loves to do! That's where I would like to be one day just for playing the game everyday like I do now. Most of the video games I play are sports games such as NBA 2k19 (Basketball), Madden 19 (Football), Fifa 19 (Soccer), and UFC 3 (Boxing). But I also like to mix in a different variety of games like Fortnite, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Sims 4, Marvel’s Spider-Man, Friday The 13th, and The Walking Dead series. Being good at a variety of game and not just the same genre games can help you a lot when you're actually trying to become really good at a certain video game because if can teach you how to learn from your mistakes and become a better player. When you play video games they’re able to teach you a lot of things about yourself and they can add more characteristics to your personality. When you're in a intense game of Fortnite or whatever games you play, and you're in a situation where it’s win or go home, you can start to feel your palms sweating, you start to get nervous, and you may start to lose focus, but when you're in that situation you cannot. In order to win that game you must focus on every key detail and not slip up because if you do one thing wrong, it can cost you the game. Basically what i'm trying to say is that video games are able to teach you how to focus, have determination, and how to work for the things that you want to succeed in for life. In conclusion, video games have been apart of my life for basically my entire life and video game will forever be apart of my life because they helped me become the man I am today.

The author's comments:

My name is Jordan H., I am in 10th grade.

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