The Trip of a Lifetime | Teen Ink

The Trip of a Lifetime

October 26, 2018
By Anonymous

This past spring break, I got the chance to go on a trip to Walt Disney World with the music department at my school. The Orchestra, Band, and Choir all had the opportunity to go, but only some went. I went with some of my closest friends. I got put into a room with two of my best friends, Emmalee and Madeline. We were all so excited to get to Disney and just be free. Free from parents/siblings, school stress, just free from everything. 

We left on Easter morning. We took a huge bus with televisions and a bathroom on the bus. For a while, my friends and I were just talking and laughing. As time passed, we got more and more bored. At night, I was unable to fall asleep. The bus was not comfortable and it was too quiet. The next day, however, we arrived at Disney. It was the best feeling in the world. Stepping off the bus into the hot, muggy air seems like it would be awful, but it was truly an amazing feeling. We were in warm, sunny Florida and had the day to explore any Disney park we wanted. We went to Epcot. 

We had been worried about only having 3 people because someone would always be alone on rides, but my friends had that figured out. They had a friend named Drew, who joined us, and who brought his whole group with him. I had never really talked to Drew, Liam, Eddie, or Ian before, so it was a little awkward at first when we were hanging out with them. But as soon as we started walking around, I realized how cool they all were and while talking to them, I got to understand that they were some of the funniest people I'd ever met. Drew especially. Everything he said made me laugh like he was a comedian putting on a show for all of us. 

That first day, we walked all through Epcot and ventured to all the different lands. Then, Disney had a welcoming party that night for our school which was extremely fun. Unfortunately, Madeline got food poisoning that night, so she was unable to join us for the next day's adventures. Emmalee, the boys and I all explored the Animal Kingdom that next day. It was scorching hot, though, so we went back to the resort after a while and went swimming. 

The times swimming in Disney were some of the best. We all just talked and swam around, and I really got to know everyone pretty well. The next couple of days passed by in a blur. We performed at Disney and some of the boys came to watch our performance, we had a workshop with a good director, and we got to go to all the different parks. We all ate together and spent every day together. 

The last day in Disney was quite magical if I do say so myself. We hung out for a while, then the boys had to leave to get ready to march down Main Street with the marching band. Just us girls got to spend the day together and it was one of the best times of that whole trip. It was so nice to just be able to spend time with two people who had been my friends for forever. After doing some shopping and walking around, the marching band began to play their music as they marched down Main Street. It was one of the most magical moments. Knowing my school, my new, good friends were playing music, sounding amazing, in the most magical place on earth was an amazing feeling. 

That night, we went swimming again. The next morning, we were leaving Disney and heading to Universal Studios for a day. This day was another amazing day on this trip. For a while, it was a whole big group hanging out. Then we got separated from the group and it was just Liam, Eddie, Emmalee and I taking the Hogwarts train over to Diagon Alley. We had so much fun there, even when we were waiting in line. 

After this trip, I was extremely sad to be heading back home to cold and boring Michigan. I was sad to not be able to spend time with all these people. To have to go back to homework, stress, and school. It made me so sad. When I think of Disney now, I think of all the fun memories with all of these people. I no longer talk to Drew, Liam, Eddie, or Ian. I am still close with Emmalee and Madeline. I miss these people I got to hang out with on the trip, but I am glad I had those memories with all of them and got to go to DISNEY! It truly was the trip of a lifetime and I wish I could go back. 

The author's comments:

A fun time I had this past Spring Break

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